Yet Another Price Feed for Yupana
Yupana's price feed implementation, allows to use multiple oracles with one contract.
Installed NodeJS (tested with NodeJS v14+)
Installed Yarn
Installed node modules:
yarn install
yarn compile -c router
WARNING: before compiling parsers make sure that .env file has all needed variables, especially correct oracle addresses
Compile parser contract
yarn compile-parser ${parserName}
yarn compile-parser harbinger
Compile and prepare parser bytes
yarn parser-to-bytes ${parserName}
yarn parser-to-bytes harbinger
yarn compile-all
Flextesa sandbox run in Docker container, but you can change the config file properties to connect to another RPC nodes if you want to.
yarn start-sandbox
Repository has some tests with Taquito and Jest located inside tests folder.
yarn test
If you had started the local chain before the running tests, recomended to stop the chain right after the tests.
yarn stop-sandbox
yarn migrate