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A .NET Library for essential code according to The Standard


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TheStandardBox is a .NET library that provides essential code according to The Standard. The library allows you to use a standard storage broker, foundation service, and controller, making it easy to generate a controller based on only a model and a storage broker.

  • TheStandardBox.Core : Nuget
  • TheStandardBox.Data : Nuget
  • TheStandardBox.Data.Tests.Unit : Nuget


To install TheStandardBox, add the NuGet package to your API project:

NuGet\Install-Package TheStandardBox.Data -Version 1.0.4


Adding Models

To use the library, your models, which represent your database entities, should implement the IStandardEntity interface of the library. For example, an entity WeatherForecast can be defined as follows:

public class WeatherForecast : IStandardEntity
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public DateTime Date { get; set; }
    public int TemperatureC { get; set; }
    public int TemperatureF => 32 + (int)(TemperatureC / 0.5556);
    public string Summary { get; set; }
    public DateTimeOffset CreatedDate { get; set; }
    public DateTimeOffset UpdatedDate { get; set; }

The [GeneratedController] attribute is used to generate a controller for the model If you want to authorize the controller, you can add the [Authorize] attribute above the model class.

public class WeatherForecast : IStandardEntity

You can specific the allowed actions that you want to auto generate using the following example:

        allowedActions: new AllowedAction[] { AllowedAction.PostEntity })]
public class WeatherForecast : IStandardEntity

this can be also applied to an annonymous actions to remove the authorization from specific controller action:

        allowedActions: new AllowedAction[] { AllowedAction.PostEntity }),
        anonymousActions: new AllowedAction[] { AllowedAction.PostEntity })]
public class WeatherForecast : IStandardEntity

this will make the POST execute without Authorization


IStandardEntity, defines the following three properties that must be implemented by any model that implements this interface:

  • Guid Id: A unique identifier for the entity.
  • DateTimeOffset CreatedDate: The date and time the entity was created.
  • DateTimeOffset UpdatedDate: The date and time the entity was last updated.
    public interface IStandardEntity
        Guid Id { get; set; }
        DateTimeOffset CreatedDate { get; set; }
        DateTimeOffset UpdatedDate { get; set; }

Standard Storage Broker

To define your DbSets, you need to create a new storage broker that inherits from StandardStorageBroker. For example:

public class StorageBroker : StandardStorageBroker
    public StorageBroker(IConfiguration configuration)
        : base(configuration)
    { }

    protected override string DefaultConnectionName => "NEW_CONNECTION_STRING_NAME";
    public DbSet<WeatherForecast> WeatherForecasts { get; set; } 

By default, TheStandardBox reads the connection string from your configuration by the name DefaultConnection. You can define the name of your connection string using the DefaultConnectionName property.

You can also override the UsesNoTrackingBehavior property to use the NoTracking behavior or not. (By default true):

Uses NoTracking Behavior

protected override bool UsesNoTrackingBehavior => false;

Adding TheStandardBox

Add the library to your project in the Program.cs file by calling the following:



Dont forget to add a migration by running > Add-Migration [MIGRATION_NAME].

Foundation Service

For each entity add a standard foundation service as following:


Unit testing ?

It is very important to unit test your services, using TheStandardBox this is now very easy. You need only to create your test class as following:

    public class WeatherServiceTests : StandardServiceTests<WeatherForecast>
    { }

This interface will automatically generate unit tests.


For any question or information please contact us on: [email protected]


A .NET Library for essential code according to The Standard







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