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Modal Tableau with Interpolation

Goal: a tableau prover for propositional logic, the basic modal logic K and propositional dynamic logic (PDL). The prover should also find interpolants, following the method described by Manfred Borzechowski in 1988. See for the original German text and an English translation.

Notes and Examples

Propositional Logic

There are two different provers: one based on lists. and a proper tableau.

Interpolation is also implemented twice: once replacing atoms by constants as described in Wikipedia: Craig interpolation, and using the tableaux.

Basic modal logic K

stack ghci src/Logic/BasicModal/Prove/Tree.hs
λ> provable (Box (p --> q) --> (Box p --> Box q))
λ> provable (p --> Box p)

stack ghci src/Logic/BasicModal/Interpolation/ProofTree.hs
λ> let (f,g) = ( Box ((At 'p') --> (At 'q')) , (Neg (Box ((At 's') --> (At 'q')))) --> (Neg (Box (At 'p'))) )
λ> mapM_ (putStrLn .ppForm) [f, g]
☐¬(p & ¬q)
¬(¬☐¬(s & ¬q) & ¬¬☐p)
λ> interpolateShow (f,g)
Showing tableau with GraphViz ...
Interpolant: ☐¬(¬¬p & ¬¬¬q)
Simplified interpolant: ☐¬(p & ¬q)

The last command will also show this tableau:

See the test file for more examples, including interpolation and consistency checks.


Public web interface:

To run the web interface locally do stack build and then stack exec tapdleau. For developing you can recompile and restart the web interface on any code changes Like this:

stack build --file-watch --exec "bash -c \"pkill tapdleau; stack exec tapdleau &\""

Automated Tests

Use stack test to run all tests from the test folder.

For PDL we also use the files formulae_exp_unsat.txt and formulae_exp_sat.txt from Note: The files have been modified to use star as a postfix operator.

TODO list



  • restricted language with Con, not Imp as primitive, as Borzechowski does
  • proper search: extend -> extensions (as in BasicModal)
  • add M+ rule
  • Only allow (At) on marked formulas (page 24)
  • mark active formula (as in BasicModal), needed for interpolation
  • also mark active formula for extra condition 4, and history-path for 6
  • Extra conditions:
    1. when reaching an atomic Box or NegBox, go back from n to *
    2. instead of X;[a^n]P reach X
    3. apply rules to n-formula whenever possible / prioritise them!
    4. Never apply a rule to a ¬[a^n] node (and mark those as end nodes!)
    5. directly after M+ do not apply M-
    6. close normal nodes with critical same-set predecessors (if loaded when whole path is loaded)
    7. every loaded node that is not an end node by 6, has a successor.
  • Our deviations from Borzechowski:
    • Avoid n-formulas, use unravel instead.
    • Loading with underlined boxes instead of superscripts.
    • Merge (M+) into (At) rule? No.
  • New changes done in article:
    • nub the results of unfolding
    • use unfolding for all non-atomic programs, remove other rules
    • define Q instead of T^K etc.
    • use our terminology instead of MB (e.g. (M) instead of (At) etc.)

Technical debt:

  • check priorities / preferences of all rules.
  • more uniform encoding of rules and closing conditions


  • copy from BasicModal and get it to compile
  • expose in web interface
  • fillIPs: all local rules
  • fillIPs: atomic rule
  • add interpolate tests for star-free formulas
  • Find test cases that fail due to the empty-side edge cases for (At)-interpolants?
  • Correct definition of (At)-interpolants in the empty-side edge cases.
  • TI, TJ, TK, canonical programs, interpolants for TK
  • use TI etc. to find interpolants for loaded sub-tableaux, iterate!
  • (irrelevant, n-formulas are gone) fillIPs: end notes due to extra condition 4 ??

Bonus Information:

These are not needed to define interpolants, but part of the proof the definition is correct.

  • J and K sets from Definition 34
  • extended tableau from Lemma 25 and 26.



  • Kripke models
  • satisfaction
  • generate random arbitrary models
  • build counter model from open tableaux - following Theorem 3

Nice to have UX/UI:

  • web interface
  • use Graphviz HTML labels for better readability, e.g. highlight the active formula.
  • option to start with a given set/partition instead of a single (to be proven and thus negated) formula
  • add applicable extra conditions to rule annotation
  • store current/submitted formula in (base64?) URL hash, provide perma-link for sharing

Rejected ideas:

  • color the loading part of formulas/nodes
  • Use better data structures, zipper instead of (TableauIP, Path) pairs?
  • use exact same syntax as Borzechowski (A for atomic programs etc.)

See also

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