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EDA Toolkit 0.0.11a1

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@lshpaner lshpaner released this 20 Oct 19:16
· 48 commits to main since this release

Plotting Changes

Added histplot() to the plot grid

  # Histplot
      **(hist_kws or {}),
  axes[1].set_title(f"Histplot: {feature_name} (Scale: {scale_conversion})")
  axes[1].set_xlabel(f"{feature_name}")  # Add x-axis label here

Additional changes to plotting:

Added flexibility for keyword arguments (kde_kws, hist_kws, and box_kws) in the data_doctor function to allow users to customize Seaborn plots directly. This enhancement enables users to pass additional parameters for KDE, histogram, and boxplot customization, making the function more adaptable to specific plotting requirements.


  • added x-axis label to histplot()
  • Introduced the following dictionary-based keyword argument inputs:
    • kde_kws: Allows customization of the KDE plot (e.g., color, fill, etc.).
    • hist_kws: Allows customization of the histogram plot (e.g., stat, color, etc.).
    • box_kws: Allows customization of the boxplot (e.g., palette, color, etc.).
  • Updated docstrings to reflect these changes and improved the description of the plotting logic.

This should provide users with more control over the visual output without altering the core functionality of the data_doctor function.