Demo site:
First create your collection here (for mainnet) or here (for rinkeby), and copy the contract address once your collection has been deployed.
Alternatively, you can test with one of the included collections while you're setting up, or grab any collection address from either of the above sites (just make sure you update NEXT_PUBLIC_CHAIN_ID
to match the network the collection exists on).
Click the '▲ Deploy' button below to clone your own version of the mint page template.
You will be prompted to fill in three variables as part of the deployment process.
can be found by creating a new project in Alchemy and then grabbing the API KEY from the project dashboard page and clicking the 'Get Key' button.
will be the chain your contract exists on.
1 = Ethereum mainnet
4 = Rinkeby
5 = Goerli
will be your contract address (or a comma-separated list if you want to render multiple contracts).
Create your own custom minting site using the deploy link below. :)
First clone the repository locally.
, and rename it to.env.local
. Files starting with a dot are often hidden in the file explorer, so you may need to open the folder with a code editor like Visual Studio Code or Atom to see it. -
Update the values inside the newly created
can be found by creating a new project in Alchemy and then grabbing the API KEY from the project dashboard page and clicking the 'Get Key' button.
will be the chain your contract exists on.
1 = Ethereum mainnet
4 = Rinkeby
5 = Goerli
will be your contract address (or a comma-separated list if you want to render multiple contracts.
If needed, you can grab all of the edition contract addresses created by a single wallet by running the following command in a terminal, replacing 0x17cd072cBd45031EFc21Da538c783E0ed3b25DCc
with the desired wallet address (requires python).
# Rinkeby subgraph:
# Goerli subgraph:
curl -s '' \
-X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{
"query": "{erc721Drops(where: { owner: \"0x17cd072cBd45031EFc21Da538c783E0ed3b25DCc\", }) { address}}"
}' | python3 -c "import sys, json; print(','.join(list(map(lambda x: x['address'], json.load(sys.stdin)['data']['erc721Drops']))))"
The final .env.local
file should now look something like this:
# This will be used to replace ipfs:// in IPFS urls, if left blank it will default to using ''
# If your image host needs file extensions after the IPFS hash, you can add it here (ie. .jpg)
# First create a new project on Alchemy, and grab the API Key from the project dashboard (under 'View Key')
# 1 = mainnet, 4 = rinkeby, 5 = goerli, 1337 = hardhat (local)
# Comma-separated for multiple contracts
If you don't have it already, you will need to install Node and Yarn.
Then install all the required packages, and run the server. :)
Open the project folder in a terminal and run the following two commands.
yarn install
yarn dev
Your project should now be running and accessible on http://localhost:3000
You can customise the main theme in styles/theme.css.ts
, and add custom css overrides in styles/global.css
For a simple color scheme change, you can change the color values in styles/theme.css.ts
// Valid colour values are short and long hex codes (#00ff00) (#f00)
const { colors, shadows } = colorTheme({
foreground: '#252329',
background: '#ffffff',
accent: '#92ea22',
Typefaces and settings are compiled from styles/tokens/typography.ts
The full theme token set is compiled from styles/theme.css.ts
and contains all the following values which can be kept as default or individually overridden:
fonts: {
heading: 'Inter, sans-serif',
body: 'Inter, sans-serif',
mono: `'Roboto Mono', monospace`,
fontSizing: {
fontSize: {
0: '0',
12: '12px',
14: '14px',
16: '16px',
18: '18px',
20: '20px',
28: '28px',
30: '30px',
35: '35px',
40: '40px',
48: '48px',
50: '50px',
65: '65px',
80: '80px',
unset: 'unset',
lineHeight: {
0: '0',
14: '14px',
20: '20px',
24: '24px',
25: '25px',
30: '30px',
34: '34px',
40: '40px',
50: '50px',
55: '55px',
65: '65px',
70: '70px',
85: '85px',
95: '95px',
unset: 'unset',
fontWeight: {
paragraph: '400',
heading: '500',
label: '600',
display: '700',
radii: {
tiny: '2px',
small: '4px',
normal: '5px',
curved: '10px',
phat: '20px',
round: '9999px',
size: {
x0: '0px',
x1: '4px',
x2: '8px',
x3: '12px',
x4: '16px',
x5: '20px',
x6: '24px',
x7: '28px',
x8: '32px',
x9: '36px',
x10: '40px',
x11: '44px',
x12: '48px',
x13: '52px',
x14: '56px',
x15: '60px',
x16: '64px',
x17: '68px',
x18: '72px',
x19: '76px',
x20: '80px',
x21: '84px',
x22: '88px',
x23: '92px',
x24: '96px',
x25: '100px',
x26: '104px',
x27: '108px',
x28: '112px',
x29: '116px',
x30: '120px',
x32: '128px',
x64: '256px',
auto: 'auto',
'100vw': '100vw',
'100vh': '100vh',
'100%': '100%',
unset: 'unset',
space: {
x0: '0px',
x1: '4px',
x2: '8px',
x3: '12px',
x4: '16px',
x5: '20px',
x6: '24px',
x7: '28px',
x8: '32px',
x9: '36px',
x10: '40px',
x11: '44px',
x12: '48px',
x13: '52px',
x14: '56px',
x15: '60px',
x16: '64px',
x17: '68px',
x18: '72px',
x19: '76px',
x20: '80px',
x21: '84px',
x22: '88px',
x23: '92px',
x24: '96px',
x25: '100px',
x26: '104px',
x27: '108px',
x28: '112px',
x29: '116px',
x30: '120px',
x32: '128px',
x64: '256px',
auto: 'auto',
ease: {
in: 'cubic-bezier(0.32, 0, 0.67, 0)',
out: 'cubic-bezier(0.33, 1, 0.68, 1)',
inOut: 'cubic-bezier(0.65, 0, 0.35, 1)',
border: {
width: {
none: '0',
thin: '1px',
normal: '2px',
thick: '4px',
style: {
solid: 'solid',
dashed: 'dashed',
dotted: 'dotted',
colors: {
background1: '#FFFFFF',
background2: '#F2F2F2',
text1: '#000000',
text2: '#4D4D4D',
text3: '#808080',
text4: '#B3B3B3',
icon1: '#000000',
icon2: '#B3B3B3',
border: '#F2F2F2',
borderOnImage: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)',
backdrop: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17)',
accent: '#000000',
accentHover: '#282828',
accentActive: '#333333',
accentDisabled: '#505050',
onAccent: '#FFFFFF',
onAccentDisabled: '#ABABAB',
neutral: '#EDEDED',
neutralHover: '#DEDEDE',
neutralActive: '#D8D8D8',
neutralDisabled: '#EDEDED',
onNeutral: '#000000',
onNeutralDisabled: '#C1C1C1',
ghost: '#FFFFFF',
ghostHover: '#F2F2F2',
ghostActive: '#EDEDED',
ghostDisabled: '#EDEDED',
onGhost: '#000000',
onGhostDisabled: '#C1C1C1',
positive: '#1CB687',
positiveHover: '#16AD7F',
positiveActive: '#13A87A',
positiveDisabled: '#8DE4CA',
onPositive: '#FFFFFF',
onPositiveDisabled: '#63C8AA',
negative: '#F03232',
negativeHover: '#E42D2D',
negativeActive: '#DF2929',
negativeDisabled: '#F3B4B4',
onNegative: '#FFFFFF',
onNegativeDisabled: '#E88A8A',
warning: '#F5A623',
warningHover: '#ED9F1D',
warningActive: '#E79918',
warningDisabled: '#F9DEB1',
onWarning: '#FFFFFF',
onWarningDisabled: '#DDB777',
shadows: {
small '0px 4px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06)',
medium: '0px 9px 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14)',
Good luck! :)