Python code for rapid creation and conversion of radiation transport Monte Carlo (Geant4 and Fluka) geometries.
pyg4ometry is a very capable package to do many tasks related to Geant4/Fluka/MCNP geometry:
- Python scripting to create and assemble geometries
- Loading, editing and writing GDML
- Load and tessellate CAD geometry and export to GDML
- Load ROOT geometry and convert to GDML
- Powerful VTK viewer of geometries
- Converting from GDML to FLUKA and MCNP
- Exporting mesh geometries from GDML to VTP, OBJ, VRML etc.
- Python bindings to CGAL allowing complex mesh manipulation (e.g. hole filling, remeshing)
All with few lines of Python code!
import pyg4ometry as pg4
from g4edgetestdata import G4EdgeTestData
g4data = G4EdgeTestData()
# define a geometry registry
reg = pg4.geant4.Registry()
# build the world volume
world_s = pg4.geant4.solid.Orb("WorldAir", 1.5, reg, lunit="cm")
world_l = pg4.geant4.LogicalVolume(world_s, "G4_AIR", "WorldAir", reg)
# import an STL file
reader = pg4.stl.Reader(g4data["stl/utah_teapot.stl"], registry=reg)
teapot_s = reader.getSolid()
# place the teapot in the world
teapot_l = pg4.geant4.LogicalVolume(teapot_s, "G4_Cu", "UtahTeapot", reg)
pg4.geant4.PhysicalVolume([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], teapot_l, "UtahTeapot", world_l, reg)
# export to GDML file "geometry.gdml"
writer = pg4.gdml.Writer()
# start an interactive VTK viewer instance
viewer = pg4.visualisation.VtkViewer()
Check out our video tutorial for more:
Pre-built pyg4ometry wheels can be installed from PyPI using pip:
pip install pyg4ometry
If you cannot find wheels for your operating system / architecture, please open an issue. Building from source requires some non-Python software dependencies. More documentation can be found in the installation guide in the manual.
- Geometries for BDSIM Geant4 simulation of accelerators
- LEGEND experiment
- FASER2 detector
- CERN North area
- Moller
- Proton therapy beam lines
To support the development and maintenance of pyg4ometry, please cite it! Any publications including simulations made using this software must cite the pyg4ometry paper:
S.D. Walker, A. Abramov, L.J. Nevay, W. Shields, S.T. Boogert, “pyg4ometry: A Python library for the creation of Monte Carlo radiation transport physical geometries”, Computer Physics Communications 272 108228 (2022). DOI: 10.1016/j.cpc.2021.108228
Citation information can be also obtained on GitHub by selecting “Cite this repository” in the sidebar on the right.