There are several more configuration file than the ones listed in contents. These are the ones that have been configured the most.
- The actual colors may not match the displayed colors
- The
theme file can be found here
{b,f}ground | Red | Green | Yellow | Blue | Magenta | Cyan |
#221a02 | #dc3958 | #088649 | #f79a32 | #733e8b | #7e5053 | #088649 |
#c2a383 | #f14a68 | #a3b95a | #f79a32 | #dc3958 | #fe8019 | #4c96a8 |
- Theme: kimbox
- Install with
Plug 'lmburns/kimbox'
colorscheme kimbox
#39260E | #291804 | #EF1D55 | #DC3958 | #FF5813 | #FF9500 | #819C3B |
#7EB2B1 | #4C96A8 | #98676A | #A06469 | #7F5D38 | #A89984 | #D9AE80 |
- AutoKey configuration file
- AutoKey is a very useful utility on MacOS that allows for global keybindings.
- The keybindings that are there mimic Vim's functionality when holding caps lock.
- When ⇪ Caps lock is held down it is mapped to:
- ⌃ Control + ⌥ Option + ⌘ Command + ⇧ Shift
- When ⇪ Caps lock is pressed it is mapped to ⎋ Escape
- To get ⇪ Caps lock you need to press left ⇧ Shift then right ⇧ Shift
- While holding ⇪ Caps lock, pressing the following keys will do these actions:
Main AutoKey Mappings
Key | Action |
j | down |
k | up |
h | left |
l | right |
| 0 | beginning of line | | 4 | end of line (close enough to $) | | gg | beginning of document | | G | end of document | | b | move backwards a word | | w | move forward a word | | u | highlight all words to the left | | i | highlight one word to the left | | o | highlight one word the right | | p | highlight all words to the right | | yy | copy | | J | ⌥ Option + ⌃ Control + ← | | K | ⌥ Option + ⌃ Control + → |
- sxhkdrc
- Hyper = Ctrl + Alt + Cmd + Shift
Overall keybindings
Keys | Action |
Super + Shift + Escape | Restart bspwm |
Super + Shift + x | Restart sxhkd |
Super + Shift + p | Restart polybar |
Super + Return | Launch alacritty |
Super + Ctrl + Return | Launch tdrop |
Hyper + d | Launch rofi -show drun |
Hyper + x (release) - x | Launch rofi -show drun |
Hyper + x (release) - b | Launch rofi -show window |
Hyper + b | Launch $BROWSER |
Hyper + p | Launch pcmanfm |
Hyper + . | Launch thunderbird |
Hyper + n | dunsctl history-pop |
Hyper + N | dunsctl close-all |
Alt + Space | dmenu app launcher |
Ctrl + Alt + p | prs password launcher |
Super + Delete | Lock screen with xidlehook |
Super + Shift + q | Kill window |
Alt + Ctrl + Shift + x | Kill window |
Super + Shift + c | Close window |
Alt + Shift + x | Close window |
Super + m | rofi view minimized |
Super + Shift + m | Hide (minimize) window |
Super + Ctrl + m | Focus last minimized window |
F11 | Remap keys |
F10 | caffeinate (xidlehook ) on |
Shift + F10 | caffeinate (xidlehook ) off |
Additional keybindings (extending function keys)
Keys | Action |
XF86AudioMute | Toggle pulseaudio mute |
XF86AudioLowerVolume | Decrease pulseaudio -5% |
XF86AudioRaiseVolume | Increase pulseaudio +5% |
Shift + XF86AudioMute | Bluetooth - Toggle pulseaudio mute |
Shift + XF86AudioLowerVolume | Bluetooth - Decrease pulseaudio -5% |
Shift + XF86AudioRaiseVolume | Bluetooth - Increase pulseaudio +5% |
Hyper + XF86AudioPlay | playerctl play-pause |
Hyper + XF86AudioPrev | playerctl previous |
Hyper + XF86AudioNext | playerctl next |
flameshot full screen |
Shift + Print | flameshot gui |
Super + Print | flameshot screen pick |
Ctrl + Shift + 3 | Alternative full screen-capture |
Ctrl + Shift + 4 | Alternative region screen-capture |
Ctrl + Shift + 5 | Alternative window screen-capture |
Super + F1 | ncmpcpp |
Super + F4 | playerctl previous |
Super + F5 | playerctl play-pause |
Super + F6 | playerctl next |
Super + F8 | mailsync |
Super + F9 | dmenumount |
Super + F10 | dmenuumount |
XF86Mail | Launch neomutt |
XF86MonBrightnessDown | xbacklight decrease 15 |
XF86MonBrightnessUp | xbacklight increase 15 |
Swapping windows keybindings
Swapping | |
Shift + Alt h | Swap west |
Shift + Alt j | Swap south |
Shift + Alt k | Swap north |
Shift + Alt l | Swap east |
Focusing windows keybindings
Focusing | |
Alt + h | Focus west |
Alt + j | Focus south |
Alt + k | Focus north |
Alt + l | Focus east |
Super + , | Focus last (cyclic) |
Super + c | Focus last |
Super + C | Focus next |
Super + c | Focus last |
Super + j | Focus next |
Super + k | Focus last |
Super + o | Focus older |
Super + i | Focus newer |
Alt + Ctrl + Shift + h | Pre-select west |
Alt + Ctrl + Shift + j | Pre-select south |
Alt + Ctrl + Shift + k | Pre-select north |
Alt + Ctrl + Shift + l | Pre-select east |
Alt + Ctrl + Shift + c | Pre-select cancel |
Resizing windows keybindings
Resizing | |
L-Ctrl + Alt + h | Resize left |
L-Ctrl + Alt + j | Resize bottom |
L-Ctrl + Alt + k | Resize top |
L-Ctrl + Alt + l | Resize right |
L-Ctrl + Alt + 0 | Equalize |
Floating windows keybindings
Floating | |
Hyper + Space | Toggle float |
Super + Ctrl + h | Resize west |
Super + Ctrl + j | Resize south |
Super + Ctrl + k | Resize north |
Super + Ctrl + l | Resize east |
Hyper + e | Cycle next floating window |
Hyper + c (release) - h | Move floating west |
Hyper + c (release) - j | Move floating south |
Hyper + c (release) - k | Move floating north |
Hyper + c (release) - l | Move floating east |
Moving windows keybindings
Moving Window | |
Hyper + f | Fullscreen layout |
Hyper + [ | Fullscreen next |
Hyper + ] | Fullscreen previous |
Hyper + m | Monocle layout |
Hyper + r | Rotate 90 degrees |
| Shift + Alt + x | Mirror x-axis | | Shift + Alt + y | Mirror y-axis |
Window stacks (monocle) keybindings
Stacks | |
Hyper + m | Monocle layout |
Super + j | Go to next window (in or out of stack) |
Super + k | Go to prev window (in or out of stack) |
Super + Shift + j | View layer underneath (no focus) |
Desktop keybindings
Desktop | |
Alt + Left | Desktop previous |
Alt + Right | Desktop next |
Super + [ | Desktop previous |
Super + ] | Desktop next |
Super + grave | Node last |
Super + tab | Desktop last |
Super + [0-9] | Desktop focus |
Super + Shift + [0-9] | Send window to desktop |
Continuous input keybindings
These are keybindings where after the '(release)', the previous keys no longer need to be held and the key following the release can be pressed without holding any modifiers. It is the same kind of idea that a tmux
binding like bind -r H resize-pane -L 2
Continuous | |
Hyper + c (release) - h | Resize window west |
Hyper + c (release) - j | Resize window south |
Hyper + c (release) - k | Resize window north |
Hyper + c (release) - l | Resize window east |
Hyper + c (release) - [ | Dynamic gaps shrink |
Hyper + c (release) - ] | Dynamic gaps enlarge |
Hyper + c (release) - Left | Move floating west |
Hyper + c (release) - Up | Move floating north |
Hyper + c (release) - Down | Move floating south |
Hyper + c (release) - Right | Move floating east |
- List of all
functions and their purpose zshrc
$ pflist 【 ~/.conf/zs/functions】─╯
acc_print fancify text
@append_dir-history-var helper function for per-dir-hist
arc.list list contents of archive
aurview Temporarily look at an aur package
autoenv-files NICHOLAS85: find all autoenv zsh files and edit
be use fzf to edit bookmark with buku
bindkey::help list bindkeys prettily
bkpdir Backup current directory
bo use fzf to open bookmark with buku
bot use fzf to open bookmark with buku (search by tag first)
bow2 a copy of bow but as a zsh func
.btitle buku - change title
.btm buku - remove tags
.btp buku -- add tags
capzsh Dumps all functions/vars/commands etc
ccheat cheatsheet of cheat and tldr
cdown countdown timer
cdownq countdown timer; no display
cdrc my modification of cdr
cdreal cd realpath
cf Create lazily loaded Functions
cfile copy contents of file to clipboard
chpwd_ls func ran on every cd
@chwpd_dir-history-var helper function for per-dir-hist
codeline get specific lang lines colorized
delta delta variable column width side by side
dkill interactively kill process with dmenu
docka select a docker container to start and attach to
dockrm select a docker container to remove
dockrmi select a docker image or images to remove
docks select a running docker container to stop
exchange swap files
_ex_cmd Helper for vbindkey (taken from marlonrichert)
explainperm convert letter permissions to octal
fbd cd to selected parent directory
fcd change directories with fzf
fcd-zle change directories with fzf
fcq use copyq to view clipboard history (non-tmux)
fcqt use copyq to view clipboard history (tmux)
fcs get git commit sha
fds list file descriptors
fed open the selected file with the default editor
fenv search environment vars with fzf
ffig figlet font selector
fiff using ripgrep combined with preview
fim open script in editor (this one does functions)
fjj autojump fzf
fjrnl search JRNL headlines
fkill interactively kill process with fzf
flc lolcate fzf
fld lolcate fzf default (HOME)
flg lolcate fzf
fll cd to a directory file is in
flp lolcate fzf projects
fman fzf man pages
fmates use fzf with mates contacts open mutt
fmpc fzf mpd
fpdf search directory for pdf and open in zathura
frd fzf recent directories
fsearch search fonts on system
fset search set items
fssh fzf ssh
ftags search ctags
ftm create new tmux session, or switch
g1all Iterates over .git directories, runs git "$@"
g1zip Creates basename pwd-date archive
getpid get pid and pipe to pstree
gkey print keyboard shortcuts to application - iteractive option
godoc colorize go docs
gsha show sha of branch
help::glob show a help message about globbing
hgrep grep history
hist_stat zsh history stats
id_process get num of process by id
jotoday Show journalctl logs from a given date
jrnlimport import file to jrnl
listening listen on port entered
listports list open ports
lowercasecurdir lowercase every file in current dir
lsafter list files after a date
lsbefore list files before a date
macho-zle macho for the use of zle
mksub creates a subdir, & moves all files or dirs ...
mp3 use youtube-dl to get audio
ngu get git repo url
old_fk fzf rualdi and dirstack combined
oomscore list processes likely to be killed first when memory is short
p10k::status show description of p10k parts
pblist lists mybin funcs with their embedded descriptions
perldoc wrapper to colorize perldoc man pages
pflist lists ZDOTDIR/functions/* with their embedded descriptions
pier-exec execute pier command colorfully
pllist lists mybin linux funcs with their embedded descriptions
printc escape code for colors
prompt_my_per_dir_status helper function for per-dir-hist
rel print the relative path of 2 files
rm remove wrapper depending on if root
rmhist remove a line from history
run-multi run tasks in parallel
sudo sudo wrapper to allow aliases
suppress generates a function named which:
tmfiles Display tags and files with tmsu
tmjson Convert tmsu tags and files to json
tmls Display tags and files with tmsu in current dir
tmlsa Display tags of all files with tmsu in current dir
tmm attach to tmux session or create new
tmtag use tmsu to either edit a file or cd to dir
tm-tagcount tmsu list tag and count
towebm convert an mp4 to a webm
um wrapper to colorize um man pages
urlshort shorten url with tinyurl
vbindkey vim bindkey
vii open file interactively with twf
whim open script/function/alias
wtag use wutag to either edit a file or cd to dir
xevk easy key reader
zdr fzf-extras cd to parent directory
zed2 zed2
zicompinit_fast faster & more efficient compinit
zman-mine Searches zshall with special keyword () matching
zsh-help easier way to access zsh manual - taken from ZSH
ztes Searches zshall with special keyword () matching
zuiprompt TODO: Create a prompt used for other scripts with zui
There are many scripts found within this repo.
= bin) will list all regular scriptspllist
= Linux) will list all Linux-specific scripts