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Releases: little-apps/LittleRegistryCleaner


28 Aug 06:46
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  • Downgraded Microsoft .NET Framework to v3.5
  • Integrated Little Software Stats
  • Added new icons
  • Integrated AutoUpdater.NET
  • Updated Little Registry icon
  • Fixed permission problems with removing bad registry keys
  • Update Russian translations (Thanks to Sersell)
  • Updated German Translations (Thanks to Jurg S.)
  • Fixed problem with scheduler not showing correct time for existing job
  • Fixed english translations for Little Startup Manager
  • Buttons are disabled when nothing is selected in Little Uninstall Manager, Little Startup Manager, and Restore
  • Little Registry Cleaner cannot be uninstalled through Little Uninstall Manager if running
  • Fixed problem with horizontal scroll bar not displaying correctly
  • Update website links to active URLs
  • Fixed Little Uninstall Manager from refreshing list when text wasn't changed
  • Uses Process.Start() to launch websites and help file in order to prevent window modal problems
  • Default settings for re-scan automatically, automatically delete backups after, and system restore changed to disabled


28 Aug 06:44
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  • Fixed bug when trying to create scheduled tasks on Windows Task Scheduler 1.0 (Windows 2000, XP and Server 2003)
  • Fixed bug that prevented LRC from closing if DeskMetrics was disabled
  • No longer displays bug report when trying to contactDeskMetrics with no internet connection
  • NsisDeskMetrics plugin no longer requires the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package to run
  • Added check for null string in PrefixRegPath()
  • Manually generates GUID for DeskMetrics if an error occured in System.Guid
  • Fixed spelling mistake that prevented LRC to load on Lithuanian computers
  • No longer displays exception if "cmdLine" passed to ExtractArguments() is null
  • Displays error message instead of exception if file is not found when executed with startup manager


28 Aug 06:43
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  • Now compatible with Microsoft Windows Restart Manager
  • Updated Spanish Translations (Thanks to Fitoschido)
  • Updated German Translations (Thanks to Chris G)
  • Updated French Translations (Thanks to Tulip V)
  • Compatible with Windows 7 task bar
  • Program no longer starts up maximized
  • Fixed recent docs scanner so it displays the correct registry key path
  • No longer displays duplicate problems
  • Upgraded to Microsoft .NET Framework v4
  • Uninstall & Startup Manager are now seperate executables
  • Details window is no longer displayed when a parent node is double clicked
  • Implemented task scheduler to schedule registry scans
  • Registry scans can be started by specifying "/scan" argument
  • Integrated DeskMetrics into Little Registry Cleaner


28 Aug 06:42
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  • Fixed uninstall manager bug with x86 systems (v1.4.1.1 released)
  • Startup manager is compatible with 64-bit systems
  • Replaced blank icons with default application icon in startup manager
  • Skips nodes with no children from expanding (Thanks to Dmitriy P.)
  • Fixed bug that prevented LRC from switching languages on non-english systems (Thanks to Dmitriy P.)
  • Reassociated invert selection control with event (Thanks to Dmitriy P.)
  • Added localized Properties/Resources.resx files to project (Thanks to Dmitriy P.)
  • Added Persian Translations
  • Uses a timer instead of invoke to update scanning status
  • Updated Swedish Translations
  • Ignores registry keys that don't have full access


28 Aug 06:41
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  • Restore points are saved to correct location (v1.4.0.1 released)
  • Removed unneeded label in scan dialog
  • Updated Russian Translations
  • Updated Dutch Translations
  • Added Hungarian Translations
  • Updated Portuguese Translation
  • Updated Polish Translation
  • Updated Italian Translations
  • Updated Swedish Translations
  • Changes registry key rights when removing values and sub keys
  • Added Turkish Translations
  • Checks for Common Tools.dll when program starts
  • Updated Greek Translations
  • Added Lithuanian Translations
  • Updated Chinese (Simplified & Traditional) Translations
  • Updated Turkish Translations
  • Changed bug report URL
  • Scans HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache for invalid file references
  • Programs using the Windows Installer can be uninstalled using the uninstall manager
  • Uninstall manager is compatible with 64-bit systems
  • Creates first system restore when LRC is installed instead of when it first starts
  • Updated assembly information


28 Aug 06:40
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  • LRC has translations for 17 different languages
  • Fixed backup directory, it doesnt point to the common program files once options are changed
  • The backup and logs directory will be in the current directory if the release is portable edition
  • Renamed scanner files to more proper names
  • Uses my own code instead of Type.GetTypeFromProgID()
  • Replaced checkboxes with listview in options so different languages can be displayed properly
  • Added power user option that allows the program to automatically repair problems and close the program
  • Country flags are displayed beside each language
  • Automatically changes to current ui culture once the program is started
  • Translated strings that are not controls and are in the code files
  • Fixed error when switching to chinese (traditional or simplified)
  • Upgraded TreeView Advanced to version 1.7
  • Expands all nodes when finished scanning registry
  • Added a sorter tree model so the results can be sorted
  • Details are shown in a window instead of in the main window
  • Added status strip to display welcome and results messages


28 Aug 06:39
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  • Collapses nodes instead of expanding them when finished scanning registry
  • Upgrades settings to newer version if program has been updated
  • Displays icon associated with section in treeview advanced
  • Removed expanding icon control from treeview advanced
  • Changed icon for Program Locations in treeview to correct one
  • No longer imports ole32.dll for ActiveX/COM scanner
  • Checks ProgID's for missing icons
  • Checks for access to regedit.exe and adds correct access if its incorrect
  • Fixed icon for software settings
  • Tries to catch exception when removing startup entry if file or registry value doesnt exist
  • Checks if user is administrator when program starts up


28 Aug 06:38
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  • Fixed the updater so that the build dates can be compared
  • No longer sets the last update time in Program.cs
  • Uses Generic Sans Serif font family for advanced tree view instead of Tahoma
  • Removed label above section list in main dialog and replaced "My Computer" with "Sections to Scan"
  • System restore works with Windows Se7en and beyond
  • Creates restore point if running program for first time
  • No longer waits for log file to close before fixing problems
  • Tries to catch exception if an error is thrown when uninstalling a program or removing a registry key
  • Uses ListViewItem.Tag to store programinfo instead of dictionary
  • No longer sets last update date before program exits
  • Sets owner of registry key and uses default values instead of existing ones in grantRegistryKeyRights()


28 Aug 06:38
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  • Calls ShowErrorMessage() instead of throwing an exception everytime in xmlRegistry
  • Fixed bug causing the whole startup subkey to be stored and removed
  • Displays if user is administrator and if process is being debugged in crashreporter
  • Added Try-Catch blocks for System.Security.SecurityException in Fonts, HelpFiles and Sounds
  • Cleaned up nested try-catch blocks in scanners
  • Fixed the tab order in the dialogs
  • Build Time uses MM/dd/yyyy format instead of ToShortDateString because of windows 7 new format
  • Checks for update when dialog is shown instead of loaded
  • Changed window settings for restore dialog and startup manager
  • Directory settings are controlled through Settings.cs instead of Program.cs
  • Build time is returned in Settings.cs instead of Program.cs


28 Aug 06:37
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  • Application info scanner uses program info class to collect data
  • Application Info scanner and uninstall manager use program info to get slow info cache
  • Added more checks for null or empty strings before checking for files/directories
  • No longer throws an exception when the path is null/empty in FileExists and DirExists()
  • Checks for value name + others before being added to bad registry key array
  • Did some minor fixes to the ActiveX/COM scanner
  • Changes to wait cursor when scanning
  • Fixed bug causing duplicates in uninstall manager