Project to migrate all Wordpress R-Ladies Website to a Blogdown GitHub hosted version.
It's about time. 🚀
Website home. If there's any other link of special interest add bellow.
- A list of all R-Ladies chapters linked to their Meetup account.
- Links to the rest of pages:
- Blog
- Directory
- Events
- Social Media
Link to the global Twitter account.
Directory of R-Ladies. The idea is to have a list of all R speakers for all people unable to find a woman who speaks about R.
Calendar with all world-wide R-Ladies events. Each event should link to the original Meetup page.
Social Media of every chapter and global accounts. There's not only Meetup and Twitter, chapters are also using Facebook, GitHub, Slack & Periscope.
- #88398A
- #562457
- #181818
- #D3D3D3
The theme used for the Blogdown site is Kakawait's Tranquilpeak theme.
You are more than welcome to contribute to this project. In order to do that don't forget to read the contributing rules and the COC so we all can get along.