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Affinity makes it easy to create well-annotated datasets from vector data.
What your data means should always travel together with the data.

Affinity is a pythonic dialect of Data Definition Language (DDL). Affinity does not replace any dataframe library, but can be used with any package you like.


Install latest release, or copy into your project.

pip install git+


import affinity as af

class SensorData(af.Dataset):
  """Experimental data from Top Secret Sensor Tech."""
  t = af.VectorF32("elapsed time (sec)")
  channel = af.VectorI8("channel number (left to right)")
  voltage = af.VectorF64("something we measured (mV)")
  is_laser_on = af.VectorBool("are the lights on?")
  exp_id = af.ScalarI32("FK to `experiment`")

# this working concept covers the following:
data = SensorData()                 # ✅ empty dataset
data = SensorData(**fields)         # ✅ build manually
data =        # ✅ build from a source (dataframes, DuckDB)
data.df  # .pl / .arrow             # ✅ view as dataframe (Pandas/Polars/Arrow)
data.metadata                       # ✅ annotations (data dict with column and dataset comments), origin
data.origin                         # ✅ creation metadata, some data provenance
data.sql(...)                       # ✅ run DuckDB SQL query on the dataset
data.to_parquet(...)                # ✅ data.metadata -> Parquet metadata
data.to_csv(...)                    # ⚒️ annotations in the header
data.to_excel(...)                  # ⚒️ annotations on separate sheet

How it works

The af.Dataset is Affinity's BaseModel, the base class that defines the behavior of children data classes:

  • concise class declaration sets the expected dtypes and descriptions for each attribute (column)
  • class attributes can be represented by any array (default: pd.Series because it handles nullable integers well; available: numpy, polars, arrow)
  • class instances can be constructed from any scalars or iterables
  • class instances can be cast into any dataframe flavor, and all their methods are available

Detailed example: Parquet Round-Trip

Affinity makes class declaration as concise as possible.
All you need to create a data class are typed classes and comments explaining what the fields mean.

1. Declare class

import affinity as af

class IsotopeData(af.Dataset):
    """NIST Atomic Weights & Isotopic Compositions.[^1]
    symbol = af.VectorObject("Element")
    z = af.VectorI8("Atomic Number (Z)")
    mass = af.VectorF64("Isotope Mass (Da)")
    abundance = af.VectorF64("Relative natural abundance")

# DescriptorType Int8 of len 0  # Atomic Number (Z)
# Series([], dtype: Int8)

IsotopeData().pl  # show fields and types
# shape: (0, 4)
# symbol  z  mass abundance
#    str i8   f64       f64

The class attributes are instantiated Vector objects of zero length. Using the desciptor pattern, they are replaced with actual data arrays on building the instance.

2. Build class instance from querying a CSV

To build the dataset, we use method with query argument. We use DuckDB FROM-first syntax, with rename=True keyword argument. The fields in the query result will be assigned names and types provided in the class definition. With rename=False (default), the source columns must be named exactly as class attributes. When safe type casting is not possible, an error will be raised; element with z=128 would not fit this dataset.

url = ""
data_from_sql ="FROM '{url}'", rename=True)
# data_from_sql ="FROM '{url}'")  # will fail

query_without_rename = f"""
    Symbol as symbol,
    Number as z,
    Mass as mass,
    Abundance as abundance,
FROM '{url}'
data_from_sql2 =
assert data_from_sql == data_from_sql2

# Dataset IsotopeData of shape (354, 4)
# symbol = ['H', 'H' ... 'Ts', 'Og']
# z = [1, 1 ... 117, 118]
# mass = [1.007825, 2.014102 ... 292.20746, 294.21392]
# abundance = [0.999885, 0.000115 ... 0.0, 0.0]

3. Write to Parquet, with metadata.

data_from_sql.to_parquet("test.parquet")  # requires PyArrow

4. Inspect metadata using PyArrow:

The schema metadata as shown here is truncated; full-length keys and values are in pf.schema_arrow.metadata.

import pyarrow.parquet as pq
pf = pq.ParquetFile("isotopes.parquet")

# symbol: string
# z: int8
# mass: double
# abundance: double
# -- schema metadata --
# table_comment: 'NIST Atomic Weights & Isotopic Compositions.[^1]
#     [' + 97
# symbol: 'Element'
# z: 'Atomic Number (Z)'
# mass: 'Isotope Mass (Da)'
# abundance: 'Relative natural abundance'
# created_ts: '1724787055721'
# source: 'dataframe, shape (354, 4)
# query:

#     Symbol as symbol,
#  ' + 146

5. Inspect metadata using DuckDB

DuckDB provides several functions for querying Parquet metadata. We're specifically interested in key-value metadata, where both keys and values are of type BLOB. It can be decoded on the fly using SELECT DECODE(key), DECODE(value) FROM parquet_kv_metadata(...), or like so:

import duckdb
source = duckdb.sql("FROM parquet_kv_metadata('isotopes.parquet') WHERE key='source'")

# dataframe, shape (354, 4)
# query:

#     Symbol as symbol,
#     Number as z,
#     Mass as mass,
#     Abundance as abundance,
# FROM ''

6. Read Parquet:

data_from_parquet ="FROM 'isotopes.parquet'")
assert data_from_sql == data_from_parquet
# [String, Int8, Float64, Float64]


Tell Me Why

Once upon a time, relational databases met object-oriented programming, and gave rise to object-relational mapping. Django ORM and SQLAlchemy unlocked the ability to represent database entries as python objects, with attributes for columns and relations, and methods for create-read-update-delete (CRUD) transactions. These scalar data elements (numbers, strings, booleans) carry a lot of meaning: someone's name or email or account balance, amounts of available items, time of important events. They change relatively frequently, one row at a time, and live in active, fast memory (RAM).

future blurb about OLAP and columnar and cloud data storage

We need something new for vector data.

There are many options for working with dataframes composed of vectors - pandas, polars, pyarrow are all excellent - there are a few important pieces missing:

  1. other than variable and attribute names, there's no good way to explain what the dataset and each field is about; what the data means is separated from the data itself
  2. dataframe packages are built for maximum flexibility in working with any data types; this leads to data quality surprises and is sub-optimal for storage and compute

Consider the CREATE TABLE statement in AWS Athena, the equivalent of which does not exist in any one python package:

 [db_name.]table_name [(col_name data_type [COMMENT col_comment] [, ...] )]
 [COMMENT table_comment]
 [PARTITIONED BY (col_name data_type [COMMENT col_comment], ...)]
 [CLUSTERED BY (col_name, col_name, ...) INTO num_buckets BUCKETS]
 [ROW FORMAT row_format]
 [STORED AS file_format] 
 [LOCATION 's3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/[folder]/']
 [TBLPROPERTIES ( ['has_encrypted_data'='true | false',] ['classification'='aws_glue_classification',] property_name=property_value [, ...] ) ]

Affinity exists to fill (some of) these gaps.

Tales of Data Annotation Issues Gone Terribly Wrong

Probably the single greatest source of problems is unspecified units of measure, with numerous fatal and near-fatal engineering and medical disasters.

Have you ever stared at a bunch of numbers and had no clue what they represented? Do you have an anecdote of bad things happening due un/misannotated data? Share in discussions!


  • pipification? I envision that even when ~complete, this package remain just one file
  • nested data (WIP)
# nested datasets serialize as dicts(structs)
import affinity as af
class User(af.Dataset):
    name = af.ScalarObject("username")
    attrs = af.VectorObject("user attributes")
class Task(af.Dataset):
    created_ts = af.ScalarF64("created timestamp")
    user = af.VectorObject("user")
    hours = af.VectorI16("time worked (hours)")
u1 = User(name="Alice", attrs=["adorable", "agreeable"])
u2 = User(name="Brent", attrs=["bland", "broke"])
t1 = Task(created_ts=123.456, user=[u1, u2], hours=[3, 5])

duckdb.sql("FROM 'task.parquet'")
# ┌────────────┬─────────────────────────────────────────────────┬───────┐
# │ created_ts │                      user                       │ hours │
# │   double   │     struct(attrs varchar[], "name" varchar)     │ int16 │
# ├────────────┼─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼───────┤
# │    123.456 │ {'attrs': [adorable, agreeable], 'name': Alice} │     3 │
# │    123.456 │ {'attrs': [bland, broke], 'name': Brent}        │     5 │
# └────────────┴─────────────────────────────────────────────────┴───────┘


Typed, annotated vectors for well-documented datasets






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