这是一个使用 Next.js、Tailwind CSS、MDX 和 Prisma 构建的博客项目,用于记录个人学习笔记。
- mdx-js/discussions/1948
- syntax-highlighting-with-the-meta-field
- rehype-mdx-code-props
- markdown-syntax-highlighting-with-the-nextjs-app-router
- react-server-components-rsc--nextjs-app-directory-support
- monaco prettier plugin
- monaco prettier website
- [slug] route layout re-mounted
- mdx enabled checkbox
- mdx enabled strike through
- more convenient menu configuration
- PostgreSQL区分表名、字段名的大小写
psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U root(用户名) -d test(库名)
:清空 "Menu" 表的数据,并将该表的自增长标识列的起始值重置为 1INSERT INTO "public"."RequsetKey" ("key") VALUES ('test');
: postgres新增数据- Prettier code format take a long time to format,If you are using Auto Import - ES6, TS, JSX, TSX extension, try to uninstall it and replace it with Auto Import.卸载掉
Auto Import - ES6, TS, JSX, TSX