Original arc design from horst3180, Enlightenment theme by LeBlue, modified by Okra, LightDot and others.
There are still widgets and e-modules missing, an overview is shown below.
To install just save the latest arc-dark.edj and/or arc.edj to the themes directory $HOME/.elementary/themes/
of a user or, to install system-wide, run make install
after building the theme from the source.
Packages for Arch Linux are available in AUR.
To build the arc themes you will need:
To build:
make orig-theme
You will need:
All assets are already exported as .png and included. Inkscape and optipng are used to export the .png's from the .svg source if you want to add or reexport the images. To reexport type:
make assets
- access
- actionslider
- bg
- border
- bubble
- button
- calendar
- check
- clock
- colorsel
- colorclass
- conform
- ctxpopup
- cursor
- dayselector
- datetime
- diskselector
- entry
- fileselector
- flipselector
- focus
- frame
- gengrid
- genlist
- hover
- icon
- index
- inwin
- label
- layout
- list
- map
- menu
- multibuttonentry
- naviframe
- notify
- panel
- panes
- photo
- photocam
- player
- popup
- pointer
- progress
- radio
- scroller
- segment_control
- separator
- slider
- slideshow
- spinner
- thumb
- toolbar
- tooltip
- video
- win
- button
- check
- colorwell
- cslider
- entry
- deskpreview
- fileman
- fontpreview
- frame
- ilist
- label
- menu
- preview
- radio
- scrollframe
- slider
- spectrum
- textblock
- toolbar
- about-e
- about-theme
- background
- border
- bryce
- bryce_editor
- comp
- comp_compat
- comp_effects
- conf
- desklock
- deskmirror
- dialog
- gadman
- init
- pointer
- shelf
- sys
- syscon
- transitions
- wallpaper
- winlist
- wizard
- appmenu
- backlight
- battery
- bluez4
- clock
- colors
- connman
- cpufreq
- edgebindings
- evrything
- ibar-ibox
- illume
- luncher
- music_control
- mixer
- notification
- packagekit
- pager
- pager16
- randr
- start
- sysinfo and gadgets
- systray
- tasks
- temperature
- time
- wireless
- xkbswitch
- border-icons
- border-mixer
- icons