A web application for tracking roadmap data.
These instructions assume you have cloned the repo into a local directory named roadmapper
Play 2.2.1 is used by Roadmapper. See the installation instructions.
First, install Postgres if you don't have it. For OSX, check out PostgresApp.
Next, create a user and database for the app.
psql -h localhost
CREATE USER roadmapper;
Edit newrelic.yml
to set your New Relic license key.
Copy conf/overrides.sample.conf
to conf/overrides.conf
and enter the root URL, client ID, and client secret. If you're a New Relic employee, you can get these values by asking another Roadmapper developer. If you're not a New Relic employee, you'll need to have your own OAuth 2 server up and running with a client set up using a redirect URL of http://localhost:9000/auth/callback
Note: You can also optionally configure the OAuth values using environment variables: OAUTH_ROOT_URL, OAUTH_CLIENT_ID, and OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET respectively.
In the roadmapper
play run
Then navigate to http://localhost:9000/ in your browser to run the app's setup process.
Play has a great feature for setting up a project for common Java IDEs. Once the setup steps are done, follow the directions for your IDE and you should have a nice environment for development.
While Play is running your changes to files (HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Java, and Scala) auto-refresh the server to speed your development flow.