This is full featured SPA application created using GlimmerX library.
You can use it to explore possibilities of GlimmerVM outside of Ember.js ecosystem.
- State managment examples
- Lazy component loading patterns
- GraphQL Apollo integraion
- Routing
- Server Side rendering and rehydration
- Tests
- Storybook integraion
- Typed templates
You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.
- Ensure you have registered github account.
- Ensure you have VSCode installed
- Ensure you have NodeJS 16.13.0 installed, if not - install volta
- Ensure you have Yarn 1.22.17 installed, if not - install volta
- Install GitHub GraphQL Explorer to your github profile
- Visit and generate empty token (without checkboxes), name may be:
Part 1 | Part 2 |
git clone
cd glimmerx-workshop
yarn vite
-> pure app (no ssr)yarn dev
-> app + SSR- Visit your app at http://localhost:3000.
yarn test
yarn storybook
- What Is Reactivity?
- What Makes a Good Reactive System?
- How Autotracking Works
- Autotracking: Elegant DX Via Cutting-Edge CS
- @use and Resources RFC
- Autotracking Simplified example
- Glimmer 2 Deep Dive with Yehuda Katz
- ReactiveConf 2017 - Tom Dale: Secrets of the Glimmer VM
- Virtual EmberConf 2020: Autotracking: Reactivity and State in Modern Ember by Chris Garrett
- vitejs/vite#5364
- glimmerjs/glimmer-vm#1359
- glimmerjs/glimmer.js#365
- typed-ember/glint#224
- typed-ember/glint#223
- josemarluedke/glimmer-apollo#45
- josemarluedke/glimmer-apollo#48
- josemarluedke/glimmer-apollo#49
- josemarluedke/glimmer-apollo#50