I am a marine scientist from Ecuador living in Hobart/lutruwita, Australia. I am completing a PhD on a part-time basis at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies. My project focuses on assessing the suitability of using a high resolution sea ice-ocean coupled model (ACCESS-OM2-01) to study the impacts of climate change on Southern Ocean ecosystems 🐧🐳 I work on a part-time basis as a Research Assistant for the Fisheries and Marine Ecosystem Model Intercomparison Project (FishMIP) and my job here mostly involves working as a scientific software engineer, developing workflows to analyse large datasets. Previously, I worked with the Reef 2050 Integrated Monitoring and Reporting Program Data Management System (RIMReP DMS) project at Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) developing scripts and delivering training showing how to use the DMS to researchers. I also worked as a shark researcher in the Galapagos 🦈🐠, as a environmental consultant in Perth, as a programming trainer online, and as a freelance data scientist. Over the years, I have been involved in a few publications and you can find them here.
I am a Python
and R
progammer and I really enjoying writing scripts and help others develop their own. I am often involved in the organisation and delivery of workshops and hackathons in Australia and Latin America. I am a certified Carpentries instructor, I used to be involved with the R-Ladies, Datatas, OceanHackWeek but lately work commitments have limited the time I have available to contribute to these groups.
Who am I?
- 🔭 I am currently working on my PhD studying the effects of climate change on Southern Ocean ecosystems using a high-resolution ocean-sea ice model.
- 🌐 I work as a Research Assistant for the Fisheries and Marine Ecosystem Model Intercomparison Project (Fish-MIP), which seeks to understand the impacts of a changing climate on fisheries and marine ecosystems globally.
- 🐟 I also develop tools for the Fish-MIP to facilitate access to ISIMIP data.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning about species distribution models in
. - 🤓 I have recently started reviewing code for rOpenSci.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on projects studying the effect of climate change on ecosystems (if sharks 🦈 are involved even better). I am also interested in working in any projects related to open science, particularly if directed to Spanish speakers.
- 💬 Ask me about how to make nice plots with
(this is by far my favorite package), or how to find environmental data (observations or models) for ecological research. - 📖 If you are interested in reading any of my publications and you cannot access them, contact me and I will be more than happy to share them.
- 📫 How to reach me: email.
- 😄 Pronouns: she/her
- ⚡ Fun facts: I am a massive dog lover ❤🐕 and I am competent at many sports (running, swimming, cycling, climbing, free- and scuba-diving, kayaking, boxing), but I do not excel at any of them 😅
El español es mi primer idioma, así que si quieren colaborar, tienen preguntas sobre mi trabajo o tienen algún proyecto interesante, no duden en escribirme.