This is just document of libstoragemgmt which code is located at
All the markdown files are written in GitHub Flavored Markdown syntax.
Meanwhile, in order to provide consistent code layout,
please try to add these lines to your $HOME/.vimrc
"Treat *.md file as 'markdown' file type.
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.md set filetype=markdown
" Automatically wrap the long line
autocmd Filetype markdown set wrap
" Enable spell check
autocmd Filetype markdown set spell
" Set text width as 72.
autocmd Filetype markdown set tw=72
" If in vim 7.3+, set color column at 72.
if version >=703
autocmd Filetype markdown set cc=72
Please refer to Github Help:Using Jekyll with Pages for how to run the website locally for debugging.