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This repository contains a React frontend and a FastAPI backend. Below are instructions for setting up the development environment using Docker Compose.


  • Docker installed on your machine
  • Docker Compose installed on your machine

Setup Process

Creating SSL/TLS Certificates for Local Development

Generate locally-trusted SSL/TLS certificates using mkcert.

  1. Install mkcert.

  2. Create a directory/folder called certs/ in the project's root.

  3. Generate certificates localhost.key and localhost.crt within certs/ using mkcert.

Building the Docker containers

  1. Open a terminal (for Linux/Mac users) or Command Prompt (for Windows users) and navigate to the repository root directory.

  2. Build and start the services defined in docker-compose.yml:

    docker-compose up --build

Building the frontend

  1. Open a terminal (for Linux/Mac users) or Command Prompt (for Windows users) and navigate to the repository root directory.

  2. Navigate inside the frontend directory, and run npm install.

    cd frontend/
    npm install
  3. Once the packages finish installing, run npm run dev.

    npm run dev


After executing these commands, you should be able to access:

Stopping Services

To stop the services, press Ctrl+C in the terminals where docker-compose up and React are running.


To view logs for the services, you can run:

docker-compose logs

You can also view logs for individual services:

docker-compose logs frontend
docker-compose logs backend

That's it! You're now up and running with your development environment.

Database Migrations

For any change to the schema you should create a database migration using alembic.

Generate a new alembic version:

cd backend
alembic revision -m "{description of revision}"

Your revision will be located within /backend/alembic/versions Edit the generated revision file with your changes, make sure to specify both upgrade and downgrade function for reverse compatibility. After making changes to your revision file, apply them using:

alembic upgrade head

If you deleted volumes and recreated the containers, you must point alembic to the latest version. This is because the backend automatically creates the latest schema for you. You can do this by running the following command:

alembic stamp head