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Sighash and TX Signing

JamesC edited this page May 2, 2018 · 3 revisions

The op_codes CHECKSIG, CHECKSIGVERIFY, CHECKMULTISIG, CHECKMULTISIGVERIFY all verify signatures together with an non-script one-byte sighash argument, which indicates which part of the transaction the signature specifically endorses.

The input signature can endorse an entire transaction with a fixed set of inputs and outputs. The signature can also be selectively applied to specific outputs, so the transaction can include further outputs not endorsed by the signature.

Sighash Type Marker Description Libbitcoin API
ALL 0x01 Signs all inputs and outputs sighash_algorithm::all
NONE 0x02 Signs all inputs, outputs modifiable sighash_algorithm::none
SINGLE 0x03 Signs all inputs and single output, other outputs modifiable sighash_algorithm::single

Note: Selectively endorsing inputs is done with the ANYONECANPAY sighash modifier, which is covered later in this chapter.

Sighash ALL

The illustration below illustrates the signature derivation for an input with the sighash set to ALL:


Since the entire transaction is included in the sighash that is signed, we must first construct the complete set of inputs and outputs before the signatures are created.

Note that for each input signing, we place the previous transaction's scriptPubKey or locking script in the scriptSig field of the respective input

using namespace bc;
using namespace machine; //opcode
using namespace chain;   //transaction, inputs, outputs, script
// Not shown:
// Construction of inputs and outputs.

// Finalise TX - can't be modified later.
tx.inputs().push_back(input_0);   //first input
tx.inputs().push_back(input_1);   //second input
                                  //...nth input
tx.outputs().push_back(output_0); //first output
tx.outputs().push_back(output_1); //second output
                                  //...nth output

// Construct previous output script of input_0 & input_1.
script prevout_script0 = script::to_pay_key_hash_pattern(my_address0.hash());
script prevout_script1 = script::to_pay_key_hash_pattern(my_address1.hash());

// TX signature for input_0.
endorsement sig_0;
uint8_t input0_index(0u);
script::create_endorsement(sig_0, my_secret0, prevout_script0, tx,
    input0_index, sighash_algorithm::all);

// TX signature for input_1.
endorsement sig_1;
uint8_t input1_index(1u);
script::create_endorsement(sig_1, my_secret1, prevout_script1, tx,
    input1_index, sighash_algorithm::all);

// Construct input script_0.
operation::list sig_script_0;
script input_script0(sig_script_0);

// Construct input script_1.
operation::list sig_script_1;
script input_script1(sig_script_1);

// Add unlockingscript to TX.

// ALL: We cannot modify TX after signing.

We then verify the input scripts and the included endorsements. If necessary, you can consult the documentation chapters on script verification and the script machine.

witness empty_witness;      // Only verified in a p2w tx.
uint64_t prevout_amount(1); // Only verified in a p2w endorsement.

// Verify input script (and endorsement) for input 0.
auto ec_input0 = script::verify(tx, input0_index,rule_fork::all_rules,
      input_script0, empty_witness, prevout_script0,
// Success.
std::cout << ec_input0.message() << std::endl;

// Verify input script (and endorsement) for input 1.
auto ec_input1 = script::verify(tx, input1_index,rule_fork::all_rules,
      input_script1, empty_witness, prevout_script1,
// Success.
std::cout << ec_input1.message() << std::endl;

Sighash NONE

Signing an input with the sighash marker set to NONE omits all outputs in the sighash which is signed.


We can therefore modify any output after the input signatures are created.

// Not shown:
// Construction of inputs and outputs.

// We only need to finalise inputs. Outputs can be modified after signing.
tx.inputs().push_back(input_0);   //first input
tx.inputs().push_back(input_1);   //second input
                                  //...nth input

// Construct previous output script of input_0 & input_1
script prevout_script0 = script::to_pay_key_hash_pattern(my_address0.hash());
script prevout_script1 = script::to_pay_key_hash_pattern(my_address1.hash());

// TX signature for input_0.
endorsement sig_0;
uint8_t input0_index(0u);
script::create_endorsement(sig_0, my_secret0, prevout_script0, tx,
    input0_index, sighash_algorithm::none);

// TX signature for input_1.
endorsement sig_1;
uint8_t input1_index(1u);
script::create_endorsement(sig_1, my_secret1, prevout_script1, tx,
    input1_index, sighash_algorithm::none);

// Construct input script_0.
operation::list sig_script_0;
script input_script0(sig_script_0);

// Construct input script_1.
operation::list sig_script_1;
script input_script1(sig_script_1);

// Add unlockingscript to TX.

// NONE: We can modify all outputs after signing
tx.outputs().push_back(output_0); //first output
tx.outputs().push_back(output_1); //second output
                                  //...nth output

witness empty_witness;      // Only verified in a p2w tx.
uint64_t prevout_amount(1); // Only verified in a p2w endorsement.

// Verify input script (and endorsement) for input 0.
auto ec_input0 = script::verify(tx, input0_index,rule_fork::all_rules,
      input_script0, empty_witness, prevout_script0,

// Success.
std::cout << ec_input0.message() << std::endl;

// Verify input script (and endorsement) for input 1.
auto ec_input1 = script::verify(tx, input1_index,rule_fork::all_rules,
      input_script1, empty_witness, prevout_script1,

// Success.
std::cout << ec_input1.message() << std::endl;

Sighash SINGLE

A signature with the sighash marker set to SINGLE will only endorse or fix a single output with the same index as the input being signed. All other outputs can be modified later.


In the following example, we will sign a transaction with 2 inputs and 2 outputs, but add further outputs later on.

// Not shown:
// Construction of inputs and outputs.

// We sign all inputs and single output with same index.
tx.inputs().push_back(input_0);   //first input
tx.outputs().push_back(output_0); //first output
tx.inputs().push_back(input_1);   //second input
tx.outputs().push_back(output_1); //second output
                                  //...nth input
                                  //...nth output

// Construct previous output scripts of input_0 & input_1.
script prevout_script0 = script::to_pay_key_hash_pattern(my_address0.hash());
script prevout_script1 = script::to_pay_key_hash_pattern(my_address1.hash());

// TX signature for input_0.
endorsement sig_0;
uint8_t input0_index(0u);
script::create_endorsement(sig_0, my_secret0, prevout_script0, tx,
      input0_index, sighash_algorithm::single);

// TX signature for input_1.
endorsement sig_1;
uint8_t input1_index(1u);
script::create_endorsement(sig_1, my_secret1, prevout_script1, tx,
      input1_index, sighash_algorithm::single);

// Construct input script_0.
operation::list sig_script_0;
script input_script0(sig_script_0);

// Construct input script_1.
operation::list sig_script_1;
script input_script1(sig_script_1);

// Add unlockingscript to TX.

// SINGLE: We can add additional outputs after signing.
tx.outputs().push_back(output_2); //third output
                                  //...nth output

witness empty_witness;      // Only verified in a p2w tx.
uint64_t prevout_amount(1); // Only verified in a p2w endorsement.

// Verify input script (and endorsement) for input 0.
auto ec_input0 = script::verify(tx, input0_index,rule_fork::all_rules,
      input_script0, empty_witness, prevout_script0,

// Success.
std::cout << ec_input0.message() << std::endl;

// Verify input script (and endorsement) for input 1.
auto ec_input1 = script::verify(tx, input1_index,rule_fork::all_rules,
      input_script1, empty_witness, prevout_script1,

// Success.
std::cout << ec_input1.message() << std::endl;

Sighash Modifier: ANYONECANPAY

The sighash modifier ANYONECANPAY enables inputs to be modified after signing, and can be combined with the previous sighash markers.

Sighash Type Marker Description Libbitcoin API
ALL + ANYONECANPAY 0x81 Signs single input and all outputs, inputs modifiable sighash_algorithm::all_anyone_can_pay
NONE + ANYONECANPAY 0x82 Signs single input, inputs & outputs modifiable sighash_algorithm::none_anyone_can_pay
SINGLE + ANYONECANPAY 0x83 Signs single input, and single output, other inputs & outputs modifiable sighash_algorithm::single_anyone_can_pay

The following image illustrates the signature derivation for an input set to SINGLE|ANYONECANPAY



We construct a transaction with a NONE|ANYONECANPAY input signature below:

  // Not shown:
  // Construction of inputs and outputs.

  // We only sign a single input.

  // Construct previous output script of input_0.
  script prevout_script0 = script::to_pay_key_hash_pattern(my_address0.hash());

  // TX signature for input_0.
  endorsement sig_0;
  uint8_t input0_index(0u);
  script::create_endorsement(sig_0, my_secret0, prevout_script0, tx,
      input0_index, none_anyone_can_pay);

  // Construct input script_0.
  operation::list sig_script_0;
  script input_script0(sig_script_0);

  // Add unlockingscript to TX.

  // ANYONECANPAY: We can modify other inputs after signing.
  // Important: input added here must include valid input script!
  // ...and previously be signed with tx index = 1
  tx.inputs().push_back(input_1);   //second input
                                    //...nth input

  // NONE: We can modify all outputs after signing.
  tx.outputs().push_back(output_0); //first output
  tx.outputs().push_back(output_1); //second output
                                    //...nth output

  witness empty_witness;      // Only verified in a p2w tx.
  uint64_t prevout_amount(1); // Only verified in a p2w endorsement.

  // Verify input script (and endorsement) for input 0.
  auto ec_input0 = script::verify(tx, input0_index,rule_fork::all_rules,
        input_script0, empty_witness, prevout_script0,

  // Success.
  std::cout << ec_input0.message() << std::endl;

  // Verify input script (and endorsement) for input 1.
  auto ec_input1 = script::verify(tx, input1_index,rule_fork::all_rules,
        input_script1, empty_witness, prevout_script1,

  // Success.
  std::cout << ec_input1.message() << std::endl;

You can find the entire chapter example code here.

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