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Elixir, Phoenix application to scrape and store data from Google Search results.


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[![Build Status](CI_BADGE_URL goes here)](REPO_URL goes here)


App introduction goes here ...

Project Setup

Erlang & Elixir


  • Install Docker for Mac

  • Setup and boot the Docker containers:

    make docker_setup
  • Install Elixir dependencies:

    mix deps.get
  • Install Node dependencies:

    npm install --prefix assets
  • Setup the databases:

    mix ecto.setup
  • Start the Phoenix app

    iex -S mix phx.server
  • Run all tests:

    mix test 
  • Run all lint:

    mix codebase 
  • Fix all lint:

    mix codebase.fix 
  • Test coverage:

    mix coverage 


  • Build Docker image

    docker-compose build


The project relies entirely on Github Actions for CI/CD via multiple workflows located under the .github/workflows/ directory. Please check out the .github/workflows/ file for further instructions.