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Outliers Interquartile Range

Suggests outliers based on Interquartile Range method

The calculated bounds are

lower_bound = q25 - k * interquartile_range
upper_bound = q75 + k * interquartile_range

Any value outside these bounds is suggested as an outlier.

see for details


npm install @lgodard/outliers-interquartile-range


const outliersEngine = require('outliers-interquartile-range');

const options = {sorted: false, k: 1.5};

// array_values is 1-D array to be analyzed
const results = outliersEngine.getOutliers(array_values, options);


Option type default description
sorted boolean false The submited data_array is already sorted, avoiding costly operation
k number 1.5 Interquartile range multiplier defining the threshold


The getOutliers method returns an object with the following entries

Entry description
outliers Object upper & lower outliers - see above
stats Object calculated values q25, q75 & iqr (interquartile range)
parameters Object the used parameters combining submitted options and defaults

The upper & lower objects contain

Entry description
threshold number The limit for the value being suggested as outlier
values Array The suggested outlier values
indexes Array The indexes against submitted data_array suggested as outliers
results = { 
    'outliers': {
        'upper': {
            'threshold': 64540.095,
            'values': [ 193568.04, 128104.71, 235793.39, 157432.6 ],
            'indexes': [ 11, 36, 43, 82]
        'lower': {
            'threshold': -36329.865,
            'values': [],
            'indexes': []
    'parameters': {
        'sorted': false,
        'k': 1.5
    'stats': {
        'q25': 1496.37,
        'q75': 26713.86,
        'iqr': 25217.49


The main work (quartiles calculation) is done through the summary package. Many thanks to the author.
