Welcome to OpenMentors, a platform dedicated to connecting experienced open-source contributors with newcomers seeking mentorship. Our mission is to foster collaboration, skill development, and inclusivity within the vibrant open-source community. This project is aimed at providing a platform called "Open Mentors" that facilitates mentorship and learning within the open-source community. It allows students to connect with experienced mentors, schedule mentorship sessions, and browse curated open-source projects for contributions. The platform aims to democratize access to open-source opportunities, fostering collaboration, innovation, and skill development among its users.
- Virtual Mentorship Sessions: Facilitate communication through messaging, video conferencing, and voice chat for personalized interactions.
- Skill Development: Access a wide range of resources, tutorials, and learning materials to enhance your skills. Mentor-Student Connection: Students can connect with experienced mentors to receive guidance and support in navigating the world of open source.
- Mentorship Scheduling: Users can schedule mentorship sessions with mentors to receive personalized guidance and assistance.
- Open-Source Project Directory: Curated list of open-source projects for users to explore and contribute to, fostering collaboration and innovation.
- User Profiles: Personalized user profiles for both mentors and students, allowing them to showcase their skills and contributions within the platform.
The repository is organized into two main folders:
- backend: Contains server-side code responsible for handling data, user authentication, and communication with the database.
- frontend: Houses the React app responsible for the user interface and interactions.
This project was made possible by the collaborative efforts of passionate individuals dedicated to supporting and growing the open-source community. Special thanks to the following contributors:
We welcome contributions from the community to improve and enhance the Open Mentors platform. If you'd like to contribute, please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository on GitHub.
- Clone your forked repository to your local machine.
- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix
git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name
git add .
git commit -m "Add feature/bug fix"
- Push your changes to your forked repository
git push origin feature/your-feature-name
This project is licensed under the MIT License