A quick Zoom IN Meeting Monitor for use with an Raspberry Pi. I'm sure there are already a ton of these samples out there but I like groovy so I threw together a quick version for my own amusement and personal preference!
I wrote this script to call a Ras-Pi and trigger a little REST endpoint to toggle an on the air light. I also added a small API to be installed on the Raspberry-pi to trigger the on air light. All written in Groovy!
Assuming you have Groovy installed:
groovy monitor/meetingCheck.groovy
Need groovy installed? Check out SDKMan, it can install and manage things like this without all the usual windows frustration. (You need Java installed but that oen is simple, just download from Oracle if you don't already have it installed.)
The script can be triggered by running the inzoom.bat file located in /monitor. The best way to run the script is to Schedule a task in Windows that reruns runs the .bat file every night. There are a ton of tutorials on how to do this. I would suggest scheduling the script to run every morning and terminate in the evening. Be sure to configure the scheduler to shut down previously running versions.
If you want to tests or figure out any issues , try running the script from the command line and you'll see the logs as it runs.
If your cloning and building the api locally then the deployment is pretty simple and can be done from the command line.
- Run
./gradlew build fatjar
- Load to your R-pi
scp build/libs/PiServer.jar pi@<Pi-ip>:~/webapps
- SSH to your Pi and run
java -jar webapps/PiServer.jar &
If your curious how busy your day has been you can check out your call logs fro the day by calling the API in your browser to display your call logs. http://yourPisIP:4567/zoom/status