RobustHaven.IntegrationTests will help you communicate and manage the full cycle of a feature across your whole organization using Gherkin syntax.
RobustHaven.IntegrationTests is used for integration tests with Selenium. Extensions contained in these packages allow you to interact with components found in AngularJs (NgExtensions), Kendo (KendoExtensions), and Bootstrap.
Most applications have viewmodels used on the server to generate views, used by angularjs on client $http, and hence can easily be reused in testing! This framework uses a Queue of C# Task, similar to protractor, to create a workflow while sharing strongly typed viewModel state with C# closures.
Feature | Protractor | RobustHaven.IntegrationTests |
Language | JavaScript | C# |
Client Framework | AngularJS Only | Any |
Test Framework | Jasmine | NUnit (custom Gherkin logger) |
Promise API | Web Driver Promise (protractor.promise) | Task |
Debugging | browser.pause() Or node debugger | Visual Studio breakpoints |
Run specific tests | --spec fileLevel.js and xdescribe, xit, fdescribe, fit, specFilter | NUnit runners with granularity to a specific test |
Run specific suite | --suite | NUnit categories |
Configuration | Conf.js | App.config |
Protractor maintains the control flow with a queue of promises that are dequeued and executed synchronously. External async tasks must be wrapped with a protractor.promise to ensure it is appended to the protractor queue.
RobustHaven.IntegrationTests encourages all helper methods to return a C# Task so the caller, NUnit [Test] or composite helper methods, can arrange the resulting task into the control flow. We do provide a Context.AddTask(...); queue similar to protractor but not necessarily needed as shown in the converted "Protractor Demo" below.
##Nuget Packages Selenium Extensions
Install-Package RobustHaven.IntegrationTests.SeleniumExtensions
Usage Samples:
Browser.FocusedElement(); // used to implement ShouldBeFocused(myInputCtrl)
Browser.WaitFor("isBrowserBusy() === false"); // ensure you have installed js-test-integration in SeleniumExtension package.
var text = Browser.ScriptQuery<string>("return $(arguments[0]).text();", li);
var row = Browser.ScriptQuery<IWebElement>("return $k.tbody.find(\"tr[data-uid='" + dataItemUid + "']\").get(0);");
Browser.ScriptExecute(string.Format("${0});$k.trigger('change');", index));
driver.FindElement(ctx, By.CssSelector(".k-pager-info"), 10);
driver.FindElements(ctx, By.CssSelector(".k-pager-info"), 10);
Install-Package RobustHaven.IntegrationTests.NgExtensions
Usage Samples:
var productDiv = browser.FindElement(browser, By.CssSelector("div[ng-controller='ProductController']"));
browser.NgWaitFor(productDiv, "scope.Data.Id != 0");
var result = browser.NgFetch<ProductViewModel>(productDiv, "scope.Data");
// FYI: "isolateScope" like the "scope" variable are predefined and available in your expression with ngFetch.
Install-Package RobustHaven.IntegrationTests.KendoExtensions
Usage Samples:
// there are constructor overloads for search context
var grid = new KendoGrid(browser);
int initialGridTotal = grid.Total();
grid.DoPerPage(i =>
// do work for each page in grid (unfavorite/favorite items)
var tableRow = productGrid.GetTableRowByViewModelId(Model.Id);
var actionsDropDown = new KendoDropDownList(ctx.Browser, tableRow);
var isdisabled = !actionsDropDown.IsEnabled;
Install-Package RobustHaven.IntegrationTests.T4WithNUnit
Package Manager Console Usage Sample: Install-Package RobustHaven.IntegrationTests.T4WithNUnit
#used to generate an nunit test given a feature file
Scaffold T4WithNUnitFeature "Gherkin\Template.feature" -Force
#used to generate an nunit test given a scenario string
Scaffold T4WithNUnitScenario -Force -Scenario ("Scenario: Discoverable favorite feature for products `
Given there are zero favorited products for user `
And user is at My XX page `
When user selects the dropdown for new XX `
Then they will get a prompt 'You have not favorited any products.' `
And 'products' text is link to My Products page")
Use the next five steps as a guide or view the quickstart sample.
Create a Gherkin describing the feature you plan to build. Gherkin Language
Feature: Product
Given an authenticated user
And the user is at the Products home page
Scenario: Discoverable favorite feature for products
Given there are zero favorited products for user
And user is at My XX page
When user selects the dropdown for new XX
Then they will get a prompt 'You have not favorited any products.'
And 'products' text is link to My Products page
... more Scenario ...
Initialize your test project.
Install-Package RobustHaven.IntegrationTests.SeleniumExtensions
Optional Packages:
Install-Package RobustHaven.IntegrationTests.NgExtensions
Install-Package RobustHaven.IntegrationTests.KendoExtensions
Install-Package RobustHaven.IntegrationTests.T4WithNUnit
Scaffold your test scenarios individually or specify a feature file.
#see T4WithNUnit Extensions usage samples above
Scaffold T4WithNUnitFeature "Gherkin\Template.feature" -Force
Replace the stubbed comments with actual code. Sample from Protractor's Demo
[Feature("Protractor Tutorial")]
public class ProtractorTutorialTests : WebFeatureTestBase
private IWebElement firstNumber;
private IWebElement secondNumber;
private IWebElement goButton;
private IWebElement latestResult;
public override void Background()
var task = Context.NavigateTo("");
firstNumber = Context.Browser.FindElement(NgBy.Model("first"));
secondNumber = Context.Browser.FindElement(NgBy.Model("second"));
goButton = Context.Browser.FindElement(By.Id("gobutton"));
latestResult = Context.Browser.FindElement(By.CssSelector("form"));
[Scenario("should have a title")]
public void should_have_a_title()
Assert.IsTrue(Context.Browser.Title.Equals("Super Calculator"));
[Scenario("should add one and two")]
public void should_add_one_and_two()
Context.Browser.NgWaitFor(latestResult, @"/\.\s/.test(scope.latest) == false");
[Scenario("should add four and six")]
public void should_add_four_and_six()
Context.Browser.NgWaitFor(latestResult, @"/\.\s/.test(scope.latest) == false");
// All helpers should return a Task.
// The caller can then arrange the helper task into the control flow.
public Task<double> Add(int num1, int num2)
return new Task<double>(() =>
Context.Browser.NgWaitFor(latestResult, @"/\.\s/.test(scope.latest) == false");
return double.Parse(latestResult.Text);
[Scenario("should have a history")]
public void should_have_a_history()
Func<int> getCount = () => Context.Browser.NgFetch<int>(Context.Browser.FindElement(By.TagName("body")),
@"window.document.querySelectorAll(""tr[ng-repeat='result in memory']"").length");
var tasks = new[] { Add(1, 2), Add(3, 4) }.ToList();
tasks.ForEach(x => {
Assert.IsTrue(getCount() == 2);
var task = Add(5, 6);
Assert.IsTrue(getCount() == 3);
ResultDiff.exe -t="C:\ResultDiff\TestResult.xml" -bdd="C:\FolderContaining\BddFiles" -j="C:\ResultDiff\out.json"