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feat: add a script to check for PR title and labelling
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The script checks most items from the commit convention,
ensures that a feature PR has a topic/area label,
and errors if any two labels are contradictory.

Add detailed tests for the title validation.
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grunweg committed Oct 11, 2024
1 parent 49e5607 commit 4a05ec2
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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions lakefile.lean
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Expand Up @@ -120,6 +120,12 @@ lean_exe shake where
lean_exe «lint-style» where
srcDir := "scripts"

/-- `lake exe check-title-labels` checks if a PR title is correctly formatted,
if the PR has some required area labels (or is not a feature PR) and
if there are no contradictory labels. -/
lean_exe «check-title-labels» where
srcDir := "scripts"

`lake exe pole` queries the Mathlib speedcenter for build times for the current commit,
and then calculates the longest pole
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267 changes: 267 additions & 0 deletions scripts/check-title-labels.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
Copyright (c) 2024 Michael Rothgang. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Michael Rothgang

import Cli.Basic
import Batteries.Data.HashMap
import Batteries.Data.String.Matcher

# Checker for well-formed title and labels
This script checks if a PR title matches mathlib's commit conventions,
and if the PR has any contradictory labels.
Not all checks from the commit conventions are implemented: for instance, no effort is made to
verify whether the title or body are written in present imperative tense.

/-- Split a string in two, at a given position. Assumes `pos` is valid. -/
-- FIXME: this should be added to batteries, as a version of "splitOn"
def splitAtPos (s : String) (pos : String.Pos) : String × String :=
let before := s.extract 0 pos
let after := s.extract ( pos) s.endPos
(before, after)

Check if `title` matches the mathlib conventions for PR titles
(documented at
Not all checks are implemented: for instance, no effort is made to verify if the title or body
are written in present imperative tense.
Return all error messages for violations found.
def validateTitle (title: String) : Array String := do
-- The title should be of the form "abbrev: main title" or "abbrev(scope): main title".
if !title.contains ':' then
return #["error: the PR title does not contain a colon"]

-- Split 'title' at the first occurrence of ':'.
let (type, main) := splitAtPos title (title.find (· == ':'))
let mut errors := #[]
if main.endsWith "." then
errors := errors.push "error: the PR title should not end with a full stop"

if main.front != ' ' then
errors := errors.push "error: the PR should have the form 'abbrev: main title', with a space"
else if main.containsSubstr " " then
errors := errors.push "error: the PR title contains multiple consecutive spaces; please add just one"
let main := main.removeLeadingSpaces
if main.front.toLower != main.front then
errors := errors.push "error: the main PR title should be lowercased"

-- `type` should be of the form abbrev or abbrev(scope), where `scope` is of the form
-- `Algebra/Basic`, without a leading `Mathlib` or a trailing `.lean`
let N := (type.splitOn "(").length
let M := (type.splitOn ")").length
let known_types := ["feat", "chore", "perf", "refactor", "style", "fix", "doc", "test"]
if (N, M) == (1, 1) then
if !known_types.contains type then
errors := errors.push s!"error: the PR type should be one of {", ".intercalate ( (s!"\"{·}\""))}"
else if (N, M) == (2, 2) then
if !type.endsWith ")" then
errors := errors.push s!"error: the PR type should be of the form abbrev(scope)"
let idx := type.find (· == '(')
let idx2 := type.find (· == ')')
if idx2 < idx then
errors := errors.push "error: mismatched parentheses; the PR type should be of the form abbrev(scope)"
let (type, scope) := (splitAtPos type idx)
let scope := scope.dropRight 1
if !known_types.contains type then
errors := errors.push s!"error: the PR type should be one of {", ".intercalate ( (s!"\"{·}\""))}"
if scope.startsWith "Mathlib/" then
errors := errors.push s!"error: the PR scope must not start with 'Mathlib/'"
if scope.endsWith ".lean" then
errors := errors.push s!"error: a PR's scope must not end with '.lean'"
-- Future: we could further validate the scope, that this is a valid module or directory
errors := errors.push "error: the PR type should be of the form abbrev or abbrev(scope)"
return errors

Check if a combination of PR labels is considered contradictory.
`labels` contains the names of this PR's labels.
def hasContradictoryLabels (labels : Array String) : Bool := do
-- Combine common labels.
let substitutions := [
("ready-to-merge", "bors"), ("auto-merge-after-CI", "bors"),
("blocked-by-other-PR", "blocked"), ("blocked-by-core-PR", "blocked"),
("blocked-by-batt-PR", "blocked"), ("blocked-by-qq-PR", "blocked"),
let mut canonicalise : Std.HashMap String String := .ofList substitutions
let normalised_labels := fun label ↦ (canonicalise.getD label label)
-- Test for contradictory label combinations.
if normalised_labels.contains "awaiting-review-DONT-USE" then
return true
else if normalised_labels.contains "bors" &&
["awaiting-CI", "awaiting-zulip", "WIP"].any normalised_labels.contains then
return true
else if normalised_labels.contains "awaiting-zulip" &&
["delegated", "awaiting-zulip"].all normalised_labels.contains then
return true
return false

open Cli in
/-- Implementation of the `check-title-labels` command line program.
The exit code is the number of violations found. -/
def checkTitleLabelsCLI (args : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
let title := (args.positionalArg! "title").value
let labels : Array String := args.variableArgsAs! String
let mut numberErrors := 0
if !labels.contains "WIP" then
-- We do not complain about WIP PRs.
-- The title should be of the form "abbrev: main title" or "abbrev(scope): main title".
let titleErrors := validateTitle title
for err in titleErrors do
IO.println err
numberErrors := numberErrors + 1
-- TODO: can I use this, with some casting?
-- numberErrors := numberErrors + titleErrors.size
-- A feature PR should have a topic label.
if title.startsWith "feat" && !labels.any
(fun s ↦ s.startsWith "t-" || ["CI", "IMO"].contains s) then
IO.println "error: feature PRs should have a 't-something' or the 'CI' label"
numberErrors := numberErrors + 1
-- Check for contradictory labels.
if hasContradictoryLabels labels then
IO.println "error: PR labels are contradictory"
numberErrors := numberErrors + 1
return numberErrors

open Cli in
/-- Setting up command line options and help text for `lake exe check-title-labels`. -/
def checkTitleLabels : Cmd := `[Cli|
«check-title-labels» VIA checkTitleLabelsCLI; ["0.0.1"]
"Check that a PR title matches the formatting requirements.
If this PR is a feature PR, also verify that it has a topic label,
and that there are no contradictory labels."

title : String; "this PR's title"
...labels : Array String; "list of label names of this PR"

/-- The entrypoint to the `lake exe check-title-labels` command. -/
def main (args : List String) : IO UInt32 := checkTitleLabels.validate args

-- Tests for the PR title validation logic.
open Lean in
`#check_title title` takes as input the `String` `title`, expected to be a mathlib PR title.
It logs details of what the linter would report if the `title` is "malformed".
elab "#check_title " title:str : command => do
let title := title.getString
for err in validateTitle title do
logInfo m!"Message: '{err}'"

-- two well-formed examples
#guard_msgs in
#check_title "feat: my short PR title"

#guard_msgs in
#check_title "feat(Algebra): my short PR title"

/-- info: Message: 'error: the PR title does not contain a colon' -/
#guard_msgs in
#check_title "my short PR title"

info: Message: 'error: the PR type should be one of "feat", "chore", "perf", "refactor", "style", "fix", "doc", "test"'
#guard_msgs in
#check_title "fsdfs: bad title"

/-- info: Message: 'error: the PR title should not end with a full stop' -/
#guard_msgs in
#check_title "feat: bad title."

/-- info: Message: 'error: the main PR title should be lowercased' -/
#guard_msgs in
#check_title "feat: My Bad Title"

info: Message: 'error: the PR title should not end with a full stop'
info: Message: 'error: the PR title contains multiple consecutive spaces; please add just one'
info: Message: 'error: the main PR title should be lowercased'
#guard_msgs in
#check_title "chore: Bad Title."

info: Message: 'error: the PR type should be one of "feat", "chore", "perf", "refactor", "style", "fix", "doc", "test"'
#guard_msgs in
#check_title " feat: bad title"

-- Brackets in the PR title are allowed.
#guard_msgs in
#check_title "feat: (confusing) but legal title"

/-- info: Message: 'error: the PR title does not contain a colon' -/
#guard_msgs in
#check_title "feat(test) (confusing) bad title"

/-- info: Message: 'error: the PR type should be of the form abbrev or abbrev(scope)' -/
#guard_msgs in
#check_title "feat(confusing) (forbidden): title"

info: Message: 'error: the PR should have the form 'abbrev: main title', with a space'
info: Message: 'error: the PR type should be of the form abbrev(scope)'
#guard_msgs in
#check_title "feat(test) :(confusing) bad title"

/-- info: Message: 'error: the PR type should be of the form abbrev(scope)' -/
#guard_msgs in
#check_title "feat(test) : (confusing) bad title"

/-- info: Message: 'error: the main PR title should be lowercased' -/
#guard_msgs in
#check_title "feat: My Bad Title"

info: Message: 'error: the PR title should not end with a full stop'
info: Message: 'error: the PR title contains multiple consecutive spaces; please add just one'
info: Message: 'error: the main PR title should be lowercased'
#guard_msgs in
#check_title "chore: Bad Title."

info: Message: 'error: the PR type should be one of "feat", "chore", "perf", "refactor", "style", "fix", "doc", "test"'
#guard_msgs in
#check_title " feat: bad title"

/-- info: Message: 'error: the PR scope must not start with 'Mathlib/'' -/
#guard_msgs in
#check_title "feat(Mathlib/Algebra): title"

/-- info: Message: 'error: a PR's scope must not end with '.lean'' -/
#guard_msgs in
#check_title "feat(Algebra.lean): title"

info: Message: 'error: the PR title should not end with a full stop'
info: Message: 'error: the PR title contains multiple consecutive spaces; please add just one'
info: Message: 'error: the PR scope must not start with 'Mathlib/''
info: Message: 'error: a PR's scope must not end with '.lean''
#guard_msgs in
#check_title "feat(Mathlib/Algebra.lean): title."

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