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feat(Algebra/Homology): study of the source of the associator isomorp…
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…hism for the action of bifunctors on homological complexes (#16298)

In this PR, we decompose the differential on a homological complex of the form `mapBifunctor (mapBifunctor K₁ K₂ F₁₂ c₁₂) K₃ G c₄` into three components.
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joelriou committed Sep 27, 2024
1 parent 6396b5e commit 436baf7
Showing 1 changed file with 207 additions and 1 deletion.
208 changes: 207 additions & 1 deletion Mathlib/Algebra/Homology/BifunctorAssociator.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Joël Riou
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.GradedObject.Associator
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Preadditive.AdditiveFunctor
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Linear.LinearFunctor
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.Bifunctor

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,6 +187,212 @@ lemma ι_mapBifunctor₁₂Desc (i₁ : ι₁) (i₂ : ι₂) (i₃ : ι₃)


variable (F₁₂ G)

/-- The first differential on a summand
of `mapBifunctor (mapBifunctor K₁ K₂ F₁₂ c₁₂) K₃ G c₄`. -/
noncomputable def d₁ (i₁ : ι₁) (i₂ : ι₂) (i₃ : ι₃) (j : ι₄) :
(G.obj ((F₁₂.obj (K₁.X i₁)).obj (K₂.X i₂))).obj (K₃.X i₃) ⟶
(mapBifunctor (mapBifunctor K₁ K₂ F₁₂ c₁₂) K₃ G c₄).X j :=
(ComplexShape.ε₁ c₁₂ c₃ c₄ (ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂ ⟨i₁, i₂⟩, i₃) *
ComplexShape.ε₁ c₁ c₂ c₁₂ (i₁, i₂)) •
( ((F₁₂.map (K₁.d i₁ (c₁.next i₁))).app (K₂.X i₂))).app (K₃.X i₃) ≫
ιOrZero F₁₂ G K₁ K₂ K₃ c₁₂ c₄ _ i₂ i₃ j

lemma d₁_eq_zero (i₁ : ι₁) (i₂ : ι₂) (i₃ : ι₃) (j : ι₄) (h : ¬ c₁.Rel i₁ (c₁.next i₁)) :
d₁ F₁₂ G K₁ K₂ K₃ c₁₂ c₄ i₁ i₂ i₃ j = 0 := by
dsimp [d₁]
rw [shape _ _ _ h, Functor.map_zero, zero_app, Functor.map_zero, zero_app, zero_comp, smul_zero]

lemma d₁_eq {i₁ i₁' : ι₁} (h₁ : c₁.Rel i₁ i₁') (i₂ : ι₂) (i₃ : ι₃) (j : ι₄) :
d₁ F₁₂ G K₁ K₂ K₃ c₁₂ c₄ i₁ i₂ i₃ j =
(ComplexShape.ε₁ c₁₂ c₃ c₄ (ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂ ⟨i₁, i₂⟩, i₃) *
ComplexShape.ε₁ c₁ c₂ c₁₂ (i₁, i₂) ) •
( ((F₁₂.map (K₁.d i₁ i₁')).app (K₂.X i₂))).app (K₃.X i₃) ≫
ιOrZero F₁₂ G K₁ K₂ K₃ c₁₂ c₄ i₁' i₂ i₃ j := by
obtain rfl := c₁.next_eq' h₁

/-- The second differential on a summand
of `mapBifunctor (mapBifunctor K₁ K₂ F₁₂ c₁₂) K₃ G c₄`. -/
noncomputable def d₂ (i₁ : ι₁) (i₂ : ι₂) (i₃ : ι₃) (j : ι₄) :
(G.obj ((F₁₂.obj (K₁.X i₁)).obj (K₂.X i₂))).obj (K₃.X i₃) ⟶
(mapBifunctor (mapBifunctor K₁ K₂ F₁₂ c₁₂) K₃ G c₄).X j :=
(c₁₂.ε₁ c₃ c₄ (ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂ ⟨i₁, i₂⟩, i₃) * c₁.ε₂ c₂ c₁₂ (i₁, i₂)) •
( ((F₁₂.obj (K₁.X i₁)).map (K₂.d i₂ (c₂.next i₂)))).app (K₃.X i₃) ≫
ιOrZero F₁₂ G K₁ K₂ K₃ c₁₂ c₄ i₁ _ i₃ j

lemma d₂_eq_zero (i₁ : ι₁) (i₂ : ι₂) (i₃ : ι₃) (j : ι₄) (h : ¬ c₂.Rel i₂ (c₂.next i₂)) :
d₂ F₁₂ G K₁ K₂ K₃ c₁₂ c₄ i₁ i₂ i₃ j = 0 := by
dsimp [d₂]
rw [shape _ _ _ h, Functor.map_zero, Functor.map_zero, zero_app, zero_comp, smul_zero]

lemma d₂_eq (i₁ : ι₁) {i₂ i₂' : ι₂} (h₂ : c₂.Rel i₂ i₂') (i₃ : ι₃) (j : ι₄) :
d₂ F₁₂ G K₁ K₂ K₃ c₁₂ c₄ i₁ i₂ i₃ j =
(c₁₂.ε₁ c₃ c₄ (ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂ ⟨i₁, i₂⟩, i₃) * c₁.ε₂ c₂ c₁₂ (i₁, i₂)) •
( ((F₁₂.obj (K₁.X i₁)).map (K₂.d i₂ i₂'))).app (K₃.X i₃) ≫
ιOrZero F₁₂ G K₁ K₂ K₃ c₁₂ c₄ i₁ _ i₃ j := by
obtain rfl := c₂.next_eq' h₂

/-- The third differential on a summand
of `mapBifunctor (mapBifunctor K₁ K₂ F₁₂ c₁₂) K₃ G c₄`. -/
noncomputable def d₃ (i₁ : ι₁) (i₂ : ι₂) (i₃ : ι₃) (j : ι₄) :
(G.obj ((F₁₂.obj (K₁.X i₁)).obj (K₂.X i₂))).obj (K₃.X i₃) ⟶
(mapBifunctor (mapBifunctor K₁ K₂ F₁₂ c₁₂) K₃ G c₄).X j :=
(ComplexShape.ε₂ c₁₂ c₃ c₄ (c₁.π c₂ c₁₂ (i₁, i₂), i₃)) •
(G.obj ((F₁₂.obj (K₁.X i₁)).obj (K₂.X i₂))).map (K₃.d i₃ (c₃.next i₃)) ≫
ιOrZero F₁₂ G K₁ K₂ K₃ c₁₂ c₄ i₁ i₂ _ j

lemma d₃_eq_zero (i₁ : ι₁) (i₂ : ι₂) (i₃ : ι₃) (j : ι₄) (h : ¬ c₃.Rel i₃ (c₃.next i₃)) :
d₃ F₁₂ G K₁ K₂ K₃ c₁₂ c₄ i₁ i₂ i₃ j = 0 := by
dsimp [d₃]
rw [shape _ _ _ h, Functor.map_zero, zero_comp, smul_zero]

lemma d₃_eq (i₁ : ι₁) (i₂ : ι₂) {i₃ i₃' : ι₃} (h₃ : c₃.Rel i₃ i₃') (j : ι₄) :
d₃ F₁₂ G K₁ K₂ K₃ c₁₂ c₄ i₁ i₂ i₃ j =
(ComplexShape.ε₂ c₁₂ c₃ c₄ (c₁.π c₂ c₁₂ (i₁, i₂), i₃)) •
(G.obj ((F₁₂.obj (K₁.X i₁)).obj (K₂.X i₂))).map (K₃.d i₃ i₃') ≫
ιOrZero F₁₂ G K₁ K₂ K₃ c₁₂ c₄ i₁ i₂ _ j := by
obtain rfl := c₃.next_eq' h₃


variable [HasGoodTrifunctor₁₂Obj F₁₂ G K₁ K₂ K₃ c₁₂ c₄]
variable (j j' : ι₄)

/-- The first differential on `mapBifunctor (mapBifunctor K₁ K₂ F₁₂ c₁₂) K₃ G c₄`. -/
noncomputable def D₁ :
(mapBifunctor (mapBifunctor K₁ K₂ F₁₂ c₁₂) K₃ G c₄).X j ⟶
(mapBifunctor (mapBifunctor K₁ K₂ F₁₂ c₁₂) K₃ G c₄).X j' :=
mapBifunctor₁₂Desc (fun i₁ i₂ i₃ _ ↦ d₁ F₁₂ G K₁ K₂ K₃ c₁₂ c₄ i₁ i₂ i₃ j')

/-- The second differential on `mapBifunctor (mapBifunctor K₁ K₂ F₁₂ c₁₂) K₃ G c₄`. -/
noncomputable def D₂ :
(mapBifunctor (mapBifunctor K₁ K₂ F₁₂ c₁₂) K₃ G c₄).X j ⟶
(mapBifunctor (mapBifunctor K₁ K₂ F₁₂ c₁₂) K₃ G c₄).X j' :=
mapBifunctor₁₂Desc (fun i₁ i₂ i₃ _ ↦ d₂ F₁₂ G K₁ K₂ K₃ c₁₂ c₄ i₁ i₂ i₃ j')

/-- The third differential on `mapBifunctor (mapBifunctor K₁ K₂ F₁₂ c₁₂) K₃ G c₄`. -/
noncomputable def D₃ :
(mapBifunctor (mapBifunctor K₁ K₂ F₁₂ c₁₂) K₃ G c₄).X j ⟶
(mapBifunctor (mapBifunctor K₁ K₂ F₁₂ c₁₂) K₃ G c₄).X j' :=
mapBifunctor.D₂ _ _ _ _ _ _



variable (i₁ : ι₁) (i₂ : ι₂) (i₃ : ι₃) (j j' : ι₄)
(h : ComplexShape.r c₁ c₂ c₃ c₁₂ c₄ (i₁, i₂, i₃) = j)

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma ι_D₁ [HasGoodTrifunctor₁₂Obj F₁₂ G K₁ K₂ K₃ c₁₂ c₄] :
ι F₁₂ G K₁ K₂ K₃ c₁₂ c₄ i₁ i₂ i₃ j h ≫ D₁ F₁₂ G K₁ K₂ K₃ c₁₂ c₄ j j' =
d₁ F₁₂ G K₁ K₂ K₃ c₁₂ c₄ i₁ i₂ i₃ j' := by
simp [D₁]

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma ι_D₂ [HasGoodTrifunctor₁₂Obj F₁₂ G K₁ K₂ K₃ c₁₂ c₄] :
ι F₁₂ G K₁ K₂ K₃ c₁₂ c₄ i₁ i₂ i₃ j h ≫ D₂ F₁₂ G K₁ K₂ K₃ c₁₂ c₄ j j' =
d₂ F₁₂ G K₁ K₂ K₃ c₁₂ c₄ i₁ i₂ i₃ j' := by
simp [D₂]

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma ι_D₃ :
ι F₁₂ G K₁ K₂ K₃ c₁₂ c₄ i₁ i₂ i₃ j h ≫ D₃ F₁₂ G K₁ K₂ K₃ c₁₂ c₄ j j' =
d₃ F₁₂ G K₁ K₂ K₃ c₁₂ c₄ i₁ i₂ i₃ j' := by
simp only [ι_eq _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rfl h, D₃, assoc, mapBifunctor.ι_D₂]
by_cases h₁ : c₃.Rel i₃ (c₃.next i₃)
· rw [d₃_eq _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h₁]
by_cases h₂ : ComplexShape.π c₁₂ c₃ c₄ (c₁.π c₂ c₁₂ (i₁, i₂), c₃.next i₃) = j'
· rw [mapBifunctor.d₂_eq _ _ _ _ _ h₁ _ h₂,
ιOrZero_eq _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h₂,
Linear.comp_units_smul, smul_left_cancel_iff,
ι_eq _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rfl h₂,
· rw [mapBifunctor.d₂_eq_zero' _ _ _ _ _ h₁ _ h₂, comp_zero,
ιOrZero_eq_zero _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h₂, comp_zero, smul_zero]
· rw [mapBifunctor.d₂_eq_zero _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h₁, comp_zero,
d₃_eq_zero _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h₁]


lemma d_eq (j j' : ι₄) [HasGoodTrifunctor₁₂Obj F₁₂ G K₁ K₂ K₃ c₁₂ c₄] :
(mapBifunctor (mapBifunctor K₁ K₂ F₁₂ c₁₂) K₃ G c₄).d j j' =
D₁ F₁₂ G K₁ K₂ K₃ c₁₂ c₄ j j' + D₂ F₁₂ G K₁ K₂ K₃ c₁₂ c₄ j j' +
D₃ F₁₂ G K₁ K₂ K₃ c₁₂ c₄ j j' := by
rw [mapBifunctor.d_eq]
congr 1
ext i₁ i₂ i₃ h
simp only [Preadditive.comp_add, ι_D₁, ι_D₂]
rw [ι_eq _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rfl h, assoc, mapBifunctor.ι_D₁]
set i₁₂ := ComplexShape.π c₁ c₂ c₁₂ ⟨i₁, i₂⟩
by_cases h₁ : c₁₂.Rel i₁₂ (c₁₂.next i₁₂)
· by_cases h₂ : ComplexShape.π c₁₂ c₃ c₄ (c₁₂.next i₁₂, i₃) = j'
· rw [mapBifunctor.d₁_eq _ _ _ _ h₁ _ _ h₂]
simp only [mapBifunctor.d_eq, Functor.map_add, NatTrans.app_add, Preadditive.add_comp,
smul_add, Preadditive.comp_add, Linear.comp_units_smul]
congr 1
· rw [← NatTrans.comp_app_assoc, ← Functor.map_comp,
by_cases h₃ : c₁.Rel i₁ (c₁.next i₁)
· have h₄ := (ComplexShape.next_π₁ c₂ c₁₂ h₃ i₂).symm
rw [mapBifunctor.d₁_eq _ _ _ _ h₃ _ _ h₄,
d₁_eq _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h₃,
ιOrZero_eq _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (by rw [← h₂, ← h₄]; rfl),
ι_eq _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (c₁₂.next i₁₂) _ h₄ h₂,
Functor.map_units_smul, Functor.map_comp, NatTrans.app_units_zsmul,
NatTrans.comp_app, Linear.units_smul_comp, assoc, smul_smul]
· rw [d₁_eq_zero _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h₃,
mapBifunctor.d₁_eq_zero _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h₃,
Functor.map_zero, zero_app, zero_comp, smul_zero]
· rw [← NatTrans.comp_app_assoc, ← Functor.map_comp,
by_cases h₃ : c₂.Rel i₂ (c₂.next i₂)
· have h₄ := (ComplexShape.next_π₂ c₁ c₁₂ i₁ h₃).symm
rw [mapBifunctor.d₂_eq _ _ _ _ _ h₃ _ h₄,
d₂_eq _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h₃,
ιOrZero_eq _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (by rw [← h₂, ← h₄]; rfl),
ι_eq _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (c₁₂.next i₁₂) _ h₄ h₂,
Functor.map_units_smul, Functor.map_comp, NatTrans.app_units_zsmul,
NatTrans.comp_app, Linear.units_smul_comp, assoc, smul_smul]
· rw [d₂_eq_zero _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h₃,
mapBifunctor.d₂_eq_zero _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h₃,
Functor.map_zero, zero_app, zero_comp, smul_zero]
· rw [mapBifunctor.d₁_eq_zero' _ _ _ _ h₁ _ _ h₂, comp_zero]
trans 0 + 0
· simp
· congr 1
· by_cases h₃ : c₁.Rel i₁ (c₁.next i₁)
· rw [d₁_eq _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h₃, ιOrZero_eq_zero, comp_zero, smul_zero]
dsimp [ComplexShape.r]
intro h₄
apply h₂
rw [← h₄, ComplexShape.next_π₁ c₂ c₁₂ h₃ i₂]
· rw [d₁_eq_zero _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h₃]
· by_cases h₃ : c₂.Rel i₂ (c₂.next i₂)
· rw [d₂_eq _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h₃, ιOrZero_eq_zero, comp_zero, smul_zero]
dsimp [ComplexShape.r]
intro h₄
apply h₂
rw [← h₄, ComplexShape.next_π₂ c₁ c₁₂ i₁ h₃]
· rw [d₂_eq_zero _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h₃]
· rw [mapBifunctor.d₁_eq_zero _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h₁, comp_zero,
d₁_eq_zero, d₂_eq_zero, zero_add]
· intro h₂
apply h₁
have := ComplexShape.rel_π₂ c₁ c₁₂ i₁ h₂
rw [c₁₂.next_eq' this]
exact this
· intro h₂
apply h₁
have := ComplexShape.rel_π₁ c₂ c₁₂ h₂ i₂
rw [c₁₂.next_eq' this]
exact this

end mapBifunctor₁₂

end HomologicalComplex

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