Synchronise workflows #138501
on: push
Cancel Previous Runs (CI)
Post-CI job (fork)
4 errors
Invalid workflow file:
The workflow is not valid. .github/workflows/build_fork.yml (Line: 81, Col: 13): Unexpected symbol: 'and'. Located at position 42 within expression: github.event.pull_request.draft == false and github.event.pull_request.base == 'master'
[actionlint] .github/workflows/bors.yml#L77:
parser did not reach end of input after parsing the expression. 10 remaining token(s) in the input: "IDENT", "IDENT", ".", "IDENT", ".", "IDENT", ".", "IDENT", "==", "STRING" [expression]
[actionlint] .github/workflows/build.yml#L84:
parser did not reach end of input after parsing the expression. 10 remaining token(s) in the input: "IDENT", "IDENT", ".", "IDENT", ".", "IDENT", ".", "IDENT", "==", "STRING" [expression]
[actionlint] .github/workflows/build_fork.yml#L81:
parser did not reach end of input after parsing the expression. 10 remaining token(s) in the input: "IDENT", "IDENT", ".", "IDENT", ".", "IDENT", ".", "IDENT", "==", "STRING" [expression]