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Riccardo Brasca edited this page Oct 18, 2021 · 45 revisions

formathlib PR status

Check status using git ls-files | grep for_mathlib | xargs wc -l from the repository root.

  • Gordan.lean
  • Profinite/functorial_limit.lean
  • Profinite/locally_constant.lean
  • Profinite/nhds.lean
  • Top/limits.lean -- #7448
  • arrow.lean -- PR exists
  • dfinsupp.lean
  • equalizers.lean
  • finsupp.lean
  • free_abelian_group.lean
  • grading.lean
  • grading_examples.lean
  • grading_monoid_algebra.lean
  • grading_zero_subring.lean
  • int_grading_lemma.lean
  • kronecker.lean
  • linear_algebra.lean
  • pseudo_metric.lean
  • SemiNormedGroup_Completion.lean -- #9788
  • simplicial/complex.lean
  • specific_limit.lean
  • tsum.lean
  • SemiNormedGroup.lean -- #9710 #9711 and #9712
  • normed_group.lean -- Patrick will work on it once #7528 lands
  • normed_group_hom.lean
  • normed_group_hom_completion.lean
  • normed_group_hom_equalizer.lean -- #8228
  • normed_group_quotient.lean --RB and PM working on it
  • simplicial/augmented.lean -- PR #7614
  • nnreal.lean -- PR #7471
  • preadditive_category.lean -- PR 7533
  • Profinite.lean -- PR #7529
  • normed_group_hom.lean --PR #7459, #7468 and #7474
  • data_set_lattice.lean -- PR #7557
  • curry.lean -- PR #7458
  • order_basic.lean -- PR 7469
  • Fintype/basic.lean -- PR #7491
  • Profinite/limits.lean -- PR #7448
  • uniform_space_cauchy.lean -- PR #7528
  • pi_nat_apply.lean -- PR 7492
  • real_Inf.lean --PR #7524. NB: some names are different and we use 0 < ε
  • filter_at_top_bot.lean -- PR 7469
  • category.lean -- PR exists
  • big_operators_basic.lean -- PR #7470
  • quotient_group.lean --PR #7523 mk'_eq_mk'_iff has become quotient_add_group.eq_iff_sub_mem and it uses ↑ instead of mk'
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