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Running Drynx

Joao Andre Gomes de Sa Sousa edited this page Nov 30, 2018 · 6 revisions

Running Drynx

Drynx can be split in different running instances. The protocols specify individual elements/building blocks that compose our software tool and can be tested independently. The services are the assembly of the different protocols into something that can provide different functionalities. The simulations enable the simulation of each of our services or protocols under specific settings.

For more information on how to run a protocol/service/simulation/app please refer to cothority_template.


We can run Drynx simulations in three different platforms: localhost (local machine), in deterlab (a state-of-the-art scientific computing facility) and ICCluster (an infrastructure that offers computing and storage services to EPFL researchers). Please refer to for all the information you need about how to execute the simulations in each of the platforms (it works exactly the same as in UnLynx). We provide a brief example on how to run the simulations in your local machine.

For each simulation we have to specify its configuration parameters using the correspondent .toml file. Check for examples.

e.g., the file drynx.toml_ allows the configuration of different simulation setting(s) for the drynx protocol.

If TIME ( is enabled you can check the time measurements for the computation by looking at the correspondent .csv file in

To ease out the task of parsing the time measurements you can simply run after setting up the constants filename_read, filename_write, filename_toml.


cd $GOPATH/src/lca1/drynx/simul
go build -tags VARTIME		
./simul runfiles/drynx.toml
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