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Releases: lawrenceamer/0xsp-Mongoose

0xsp mongoose RED 2.2.2

08 Jul 08:07
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  • support nightmare spooler scanner
  • major bug fixes and improvement
  • CVE-2021-36934

0xsp mongoose RED 2.2.1

02 Jan 12:26
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  • Support SSL
  • usage of Wininet API for both HTTP, HTTPS connections
  • Local / Remote DLL Execution
  • Fix major bugs

Full documentation :

0xsp mongoose red 2.1 ( old)

25 Jul 18:45
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win 1.7

17 Aug 22:44
Choose a tag to compare
-s --Enumerate Active Windows Services , Drivers  ..etc .
-u --Getting information about Users , groups , Roles , Releated information .
-c --Search for Senstive Config files Accessible & Private stuff .
-n --Retrieve Network information,interfaces ...etc .
-w --Enumerate for Writeable Directories , Access Permission Check , Modified Permissions.
-i --Enumerate Windows System information , Sessions , Releated information.
-l --Search in Any File by Specific Keywork , ex : agent.exe -l c:\ password *.config.
-o --Connect to 0xsp Mongoose Web Application API.
-p --Enumerate installed Softwares , Running Processes, Tasks .
-e --Kernel inspection Tool, it will help to search through tool databases for windows kernel vulnerabilities
-x --Secret Key to authorize your connection with WebApp.
-d --Download Files directly into Target Machine .
-t --Upload Files From Target Machine into Mongoose Web Application API. [agent.exe -t filename api secretkey]
-m --Run All Known Scan Types together .

Linux 1.6

18 Jun 20:25
Choose a tag to compare
-k --check kernel for common used privilige escalations exploits. 
-u --Getting information about Users , groups , releated information.
-c --check cronjobs. 
-n --Retrieve Network information,interfaces ...etc.
-w --Enumerate for Writeable Files , Dirs , SUID , 
-i --Search for Bash,python,Mysql,Vim..etc History files.
-f --search for Senstive config files accessible & private stuff. 
-o --connect to 0xsp Web Application. 
-p --Show All process By running under Root,Check For Vulnerable Packages. 
-e --Kernel inspection Tool, it will help to search through tool databases for kernel vulnerabilities. 
-x --secret Key to authorize your connection with WebApp API (default is 0xsp). 
-a --Display README.