All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
getFlagEvents() | GET /api/v2/engineering-insights/flag-events | List flag events |
getFlagEvents($project_key, $environment_key, $application_key, $query, $impact_size, $has_experiments, $global, $expand, $limit, $from, $to, $after, $before): \LaunchDarklyApi\Model\FlagEventCollectionRep
List flag events
Get a list of flag events ### Expanding the flag event collection response LaunchDarkly supports expanding the flag event collection response to include additional fields. To expand the response, append the expand
query parameter and include the following: * experiments
includes details on all of the experiments run on each flag For example, use ?expand=experiments
to include the experiments
field in the response. By default, this field is not included in the response.
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
$config = LaunchDarklyApi\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('Authorization', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// $config = LaunchDarklyApi\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('Authorization', 'Bearer');
$apiInstance = new LaunchDarklyApi\Api\InsightsFlagEventsBetaApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$project_key = 'project_key_example'; // string | The project key
$environment_key = 'environment_key_example'; // string | The environment key
$application_key = 'application_key_example'; // string | Comma separated list of application keys
$query = 'query_example'; // string | Filter events by flag key
$impact_size = 'impact_size_example'; // string | Filter events by impact size. A small impact created a less than 20% change in the proportion of end users receiving one or more flag variations. A medium impact created between a 20%-80% change. A large impact created a more than 80% change. Options: `none`, `small`, `medium`, `large`
$has_experiments = True; // bool | Filter events to those associated with an experiment (`true`) or without an experiment (`false`)
$global = 'global_example'; // string | Filter to include or exclude global events. Default value is `include`. Options: `include`, `exclude`
$expand = 'expand_example'; // string | Expand properties in response. Options: `experiments`
$limit = 56; // int | The number of deployments to return. Default is 20. Maximum allowed is 100.
$from = 56; // int | Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Default value is 7 days ago.
$to = 56; // int | Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Default value is now.
$after = 'after_example'; // string | Identifier used for pagination
$before = 'before_example'; // string | Identifier used for pagination
try {
$result = $apiInstance->getFlagEvents($project_key, $environment_key, $application_key, $query, $impact_size, $has_experiments, $global, $expand, $limit, $from, $to, $after, $before);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling InsightsFlagEventsBetaApi->getFlagEvents: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
project_key | string | The project key | |
environment_key | string | The environment key | |
application_key | string | Comma separated list of application keys | [optional] |
query | string | Filter events by flag key | [optional] |
impact_size | string | Filter events by impact size. A small impact created a less than 20% change in the proportion of end users receiving one or more flag variations. A medium impact created between a 20%-80% change. A large impact created a more than 80% change. Options: `none`, `small`, `medium`, `large` | [optional] |
has_experiments | bool | Filter events to those associated with an experiment (`true`) or without an experiment (`false`) | [optional] |
global | string | Filter to include or exclude global events. Default value is `include`. Options: `include`, `exclude` | [optional] |
expand | string | Expand properties in response. Options: `experiments` | [optional] |
limit | int | The number of deployments to return. Default is 20. Maximum allowed is 100. | [optional] |
from | int | Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Default value is 7 days ago. | [optional] |
to | int | Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Default value is now. | [optional] |
after | string | Identifier used for pagination | [optional] |
before | string | Identifier used for pagination | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept:
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