Library to obtain and verify JWT tokens from AWS Cognito.
Use the Config object to configure and obtain a http.Client which will handle authentication with Cognito and add the Authentication header to all requests. Eg:
awsConf := &aws.Config{
Region: aws.String("eu-west-1"),
conf := &client.Config{
UserpoolID: "yourUserpoolId", // "Pool Id" property in Cognito AWS Console.
ClientID: clientID, // Found under "App Clients" in console.
Username: username, // Username of the user to authenticate with.
Password: password, // Password of the user to authenticate with.
AWSConfig: awsConf, // AWS Config to use. Can be anonymous.
client, err := conf.Client()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error getting client: %v", err)
response, err := client.Get("")
Configure a verifier with the location of the JSON Web Key Set(JWKS) and use the Parse function to verify the token. The parse function will return a JWTToken object and nil error if successful.
jwtVerifier := verifier.JWTVerifier{
Issuer: "https://cognito-idp.<your region><your pool id>",
_, err := jwtVerifier.Parse(tokenString)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Parse returned an error: %v", err)