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This is a RNAseq workflow.


All the dependency and version are based on my current platform. The other version maybe compatible, but were untested.


  • perl v5.26.3
  • Python 3.9.16
  • R version 4.2.1
    • tidyverse_2.0.0
    • argparser_0.7.1
    • jsonlite_1.8.5
    • ggsci_3.0.0
    • cowplot_1.1.1
    • reshape2_1.4.4
    • rmarkdown_2.22
    • knitr_1.43
    • DT_0.28

Prepare genomic data

  • cufflinks-2.2.1
  • Another GFF Analysis Toolkit (AGAT) - Version: v1.0.0
  • HISAT2 version 2.2.1
  • STAR 2.7.3a

Filter raw sequencing data

  • fastp 0.23.2
  • FastQC v0.11.9


  • HISAT2 version 2.2.1
  • STAR 2.7.3a
  • Python 3.9.16
    • RSeQC v5.0.1


  • R version 4.2.1
    • Rsubread_2.10.5
    • limma_3.52.4
    • edgeR_3.38.4
    • PCAtools_2.8.0

DEG analysis

  • R version 4.2.1
    • DESeq2_1.36.0
    • edgeR_3.38.4
    • ggrepel_0.9.3
    • ggtext_0.1.2 (optional)


  • R version 4.2.1
    • clusterProfiler_4.4.4
    • pathview_1.36.1
    • enrichplot_1.16.2


  • R version 4.2.1
    • WGCNA_1.72-1


Sample information

Prepare, this is a tab-separated file with four columns (groupName sampleName fq1 fq2), e.g.:

groupA	sampleA1	<path to in1.fq of sampleA1>	<path to in2.fq of sampleA1>
groupA	sampleA2	<path to in1.fq of sampleA2>	<path to in2.fq of sampleA2>
groupB	sampleB1	<path to in1.fq of sampleB1>	<path to in2.fq of sampleB1>
groupB	sampleB2	<path to in1.fq of sampleB2>	<path to in2.fq of sampleN2>

Contrasts for DEG analysis

Prepare 04.DE_analysis/contrasts.txt, this is a tab-separated file with two columns (treatment control), e.g.:

groupA	groupB

Genome and annotation

  • The genome file and a gff3 file should be exsited in ./db/ directory.
  • For enrichment analysis, a R package <orgdb> for GO enrichment should be installed in db/R_Library, and <organism>.kegg_info.RData should be existed in ./db/.
  • functionalAnnotation.txt is a tab-separated file with first column GeneID.


Set variables

Some variables should be set, which is included in ./script/.conf.

Run RNAseq pipeline

If all the files and variables are prepared, execute

cd ./script
nohup sh &

When the pipeline is finished without error, all result should be generated in corresponding directory.

Generate report

There is a report.Rmd file, open it in Rstudio and click knit, you will get a analysis report in HTML format and a result directory containing all the result file. The gene functional information in ./db/functionalAnnotation.txtwas added to expression file and DEG file. You can packaging this files and delivery to your client.

tar zcvf RNAseq_result.tar.gz result/ report.html image/ libs/


If you use this pipeline to processing transcriptome sequencing data, please cite:

Wang Pengfei. (2023). laowang1992/RNAseq_workflow: a workflow for processing transcriptome sequencing data (v1.0.0). Zenodo.