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5. Oracle

alexander-nechaiev edited this page Jun 25, 2021 · 2 revisions

1. Overview

Oracles provide pricing information for assets trading on LaminarChain. An Oracle Membership is set up to whitelist trusted oracle operators to provide price feeds. Anyone can set up an oracle server to provide price feeds to the system, but at this stage of the governance process, the server will need to be added to the Oracle Membership by sudo account and later be replaced by council voting.

Due to the criticality of sound oracles, we are taking a phased approach to decentralize our oracle system, and starting with a Proof-of-Authority type of oracle setup during bootstrap. We are watching closely the governance standards and technical progression in the space, and will gradually improve this. More details see

2. Guide

Below are simple guidelines for

  1. Check Membership
  2. Set Up an Oracle Server
  3. Request for Membership

2.1. Check Membership (via Polkadot-UI)


2.2. Set Up an Oracle Server

The default oracle server we are using is open-sourced here. Follow the instructions there to set up the environment variable, build and start the server.

  • SUB_KEY_SEED: is the hex raw seed of your oracle server account. Make sure it has enough LAMI for transaction fees.
  • SUB_ENDPOINT: testnet wss://
  • PRICE_FEED_INTERVAL_MS: price feed interval in milliseconds
  • FEED_LAMINAR: as true

Check Check

2.3. Request for Membership

Membership is by invitation only. If you would like to become an oracle provider, please submit your interest here