Click the DOWNLOADS button in the top right corner, rename the uncompressed folder Spacebrew. Check that the Spacebrew folder contains Spacebrew.cpp and Spacebrew.h
Place the Spacebrew library folder your /libraries/ folder. You may need to create the libraries subfolder if its your first library.
Also download and install the WebSocketClient library from
Restart the IDE.
These should be placed at the top of your sketch:
#include <SPI.h> #include <Spacebrew.h> #include <Ethernet.h> #include <WebSocketClient.h>
- At the top of the file:
Spacebrew sb;
- In setup:
Ethernet.start(mac);//as per the Ethernet library example, where mac is a byte[6]
- In loop:
- range:
sb.addPublish("PubName", RANGE);
sb.addPublish("OtherPubName", 255);
- string:
sb.addPublish("PubStringName", STRING);
sb.addPublish("AnotherStringOutput", "default string");
- boolean:
sb.addPublish("BoolPub", BOOLEAN);
sb.addPublish("Different_Bool", true);
- other:
sb.addPublish("Custom Publisher", "img_url");
- range:
sb.addSubscribe("SubName", RANGE);
sb.addSubscribe("OtherSubName", "range");
- string:
sb.addSubscribe("SubStringName", STRING);
sb.addSubscribe("AnotherStringInput", "string");
- boolean:
sb.addSubscribe("BoolSub", BOOLEAN);
sb.addSubscribe("Different_Bool", "boolean");
- other:
sb.addSubscribe("Custom Subscriber", "crazy_type");
- range: sb.onRangeMessage(receivedRange); and then...
void receivedRange(char* name, int value){ Serial.print("[onRangeMessage]"); Serial.print(name); Serial.print(": "); Serial.println(value); }
- string: sb.onStringMessage(receivedString); and then...
void receivedString(char* name, char* value){ Serial.print("[onStringMessage]"); Serial.print(name); Serial.print(": "); Serial.println(value); }
- boolean: sb.onBooleanMessage(receivedBool); and then...
void receivedBool(char* name, bool value){ Serial.print("[onBoolMessage]"); Serial.print(name); Serial.print(": "); Serial.println(value ? "true" : "false); }
- other: sb.onOtherMessage(receivedOther); and then...
void receivedOther(char* name, char* value){ Serial.print("[onOtherMessage]"); Serial.print(name); Serial.print(": "); Serial.println(value); }
uint8_t mac[] = {0xa4, 0xe7, 0xee, 0x03, 0xfd, 0x32};
sb.connect("", "Rename_Me", "Inputs and Outputs?");
: the mac address for the Ethernet library to get an IP, may need to be unique""
: the address for the computer where you are running the spacebrew server"Rename_Me"
: the name for this client"Inputs and Outputs?"
: a description for this client which will be exposed via the admin
- range:
sb.send("myRangePub", 255);
- string:
sb.send("someStringOutput", "bang!");
- boolean:
sb.send("myBoolPub", true);
- other:
sb.send("customOutput", "img_url", "");