Sample docker stack with deploy script
This repository using traefik, consul, portainer, prometheus, grafana, alertmanager, cadvisor, node-exporter.
Please install docker and create swarm cluster first. Swarm have to include one or more manager node and one or more worker node.
Install Docker Desktop for MAC:
Install Docker Desktop for Windows:
Create swarm:
Docker for aws:
sh ./
Deploy proxy stack first and deploy swarmprom after proxy deployed.
Traefik is reverse proxy service and generate let's encrypt certificate. Consul is store HTTPS certificates.
Traefik make certificate to use let's encrypt. Create an environment variable with your email for generate let's encrypt certificate.
export [email protected]
Create an exvironment variable with your root domain for access traefik UI in your browser.
export # traefik web UI domain will be
Create an environment variabke with username for traefik UI http basic auth.
export USERNAME=example
Create an environment variable with password.
export PASSWORD=examplepassword
Use openssl to generate hashed password and store it in an environment variable. If you don't have openssl, please install.
export HASHED_PASSWORD=$(openssl passwd -apr1 $PASSWORD)
Deploy stack.
docker stack deploy -c proxy.yml proxy
Alertmanager handles alerts sent by client applications such as the Prometheus server. Cadvisor Analyzes resource usage and performance characteristics of running containers. Grafana is the open platform for analytics and monitoring. Node-exporter is Prometheus exporter for hardware and OS metrics exposed by *NIX kernels, written in Go with pluggable metric collectors. Portainer is a lightweight management UI which allows you to easily manage your Docker host or Swarm cluster. Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit originally built at SoundCloud.
Create environment variabke with slack data for alertmanager.
export SLACK_URL=slack_webhook_url_with_token
export SLACK_CHANNEL=slack_channel_name
export SLACK_USER=slack_user_name
Creat environment variabke with grafana admin account.
export USERNAME=admin
export PASSWORD=password
Create an environment variabke with your root domain for access grafana and portainer.
export #,
Add label to one of worker node to deploy grafana, prometheus, alertmanager.
docker node update --label-add swarmprom=true WORKER_NODE
Add label to one of manager node to deploy portainer.
docker node update --label-add portainer.portainer-data=true MANAGER_NODE
Deploy stack.
docker stack deploy -c swarmprom.yml swarmprom
If stack is successfully deployed, check your service list with followed command.
~ $ docker service ls
08jk4ygz011x proxy_consul-leader replicated 1/1 consul:latest
1gbyzofcxjgn proxy_consul-replica global 3/3 consul:latest
ilgfu6abo3qf proxy_traefik global 3/3 traefik:latest *:80->80/tcp, *:443->443/tcp
lpy3sr2tieth swarmprom_alertmanager replicated 1/1 stefanprodan/swarmprom-alertmanager:v0.14.0
uydc6skm9a85 swarmprom_cadvisor global 5/5 google/cadvisor:latest
0uwpr3poia4u swarmprom_grafana replicated 1/1 stefanprodan/swarmprom-grafana:5.3.4
8b9943u04any swarmprom_node-exporter global 5/5 stefanprodan/swarmprom-node-exporter:v0.16.0
vl8cfr65gcmq swarmprom_portainer replicated 1/1 portainer/portainer:latest
5977967ggnbv swarmprom_portainer-agent global 5/5 portainer/agent:latest
a8z9v9hogf6n swarmprom_prometheus replicated 1/1 stefanprodan/swarmprom-prometheus:v2.5.0
You can check stack list with followed command.
~ $ docker stack ls
proxy 3 Swarm
swarmprom 7 Swarm
And finally lets check each service web UI in your browser.
- traefik:
- grafana:
- portainer: