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  • Node >= 16
  • Git
  • We highly recommend using Plug Wallet for the funding stage, as they have WICP functionality built in to their wallet.

Step 1 - Install hatch CLI and clone this repo

  1. Install hatch-cli via npm. It will automatically handle the NFT backend for you.
    sudo npm install -g hatch-cli. You can also run sudo npm update -g hatch-cli if you already have installed and just need to update. We highly recommend you install it globally, but you can also install hatch-cli only in the local directory.
  2. Navigate to a directory you want to work in and run:
    git clone

Step 2 - Set up pinata for IPFS

You will need to setup IPFS with Pinata. We use IPFS for now, because it essentially offers unbounded file storage for any file type. User experience on the IC will still be the same.

  1. Create an API key. Create API
  2. Save your API keys. API Keys Pinata currently only allows 1GB free storage. You may need to choose a paid plan ($0.15/GB) to upload all necessary asset files.

Create basic directory structure

Make keys/, assets/, and metadata/ folders. You will need these later. The folder structure should look something like: Folder Structure

Step 3 - Configure your identity and fund your minting account

  1. Place your Ed25519 key in keys/keys.json. If you don't have one, you can also allow the CLI to generate a temporary identity for you, by running: hatch-cli identity. This identity is only used for minting and is different from your identity for your wallet or on the dfx CLI.
  2. Run hatch-cli identity. Save the output principal of the previous command. This is your minting account that needs to be funded for the CLI. Note that this account will be only used to manage your canister from the command line. Your NFTs and sale funds will still be minted to an account of your choice.
  3. We are currently in beta, so you must message us to add you as an authorized creator with this identity.
  4. Obtain Psychedelic's WICP. You need around ~ 2 WICP in the minting account. You can get WICP in the following ways:
  5. Transfer WICP to your minting account principal. You can do this in the following ways:
    • Use the Plug Wallet interface to transfer WICP to your minting principal.
    • Or call transfer function directly from their canister to your minting principal. Follow the instructions at

Step 4 - Configure your collection

Check the config/ directory to manage different configuration options for your collection.

  1. Configure your initial canister metadata.
    1. Edit config/config.json to include basic metadata for your collection.

      • name: Your NFT collection's title (string)
      • description: Asentence about your NFT. This will generally accompany the title (string)
      • supply: how many NFTs your collection will hold (number)
      • owner: The owner field is the principal id that you NFTs will be minted to. It will also be the place where your public sale funds are sent, so make sure it is correct! (string)
      • ownerWalletAddress: This is your wallet address, which will be used to wrap/unwrap ICP using the cli, if you choose to do so.
      • saleName: The saleName field must be unique, as it identifies your project sale link. It can only contain alphanumeric characters, or one of "-" , "." , "_" , "~" (string)
      • contentType: The content type of your NFTs. Check MIME types for valid content types. Right now, we only support image/png and image/gif.
      • pinataSecretKey: The pinata secret key you saved.
      • pinataApiKey: The pinata api key you saved.
    2. Edit config/links.json with links to your media. This includes gif, logo, banner, twitter, etc.

  2. Place your NFT assets and metadata in the correct location.
    1. Move your images (pngs) into the assets/ directory. Make sure they are named properly --- 0.png, 1.png, ... This serves as their NFT id. For now, we only support png and gif files.
    2. Move your metadata (json) into the metadata/ directory. Make sure they are named properly --- 0.json, 1.json, ... This serves as the corresponding NFT metadata. Right now, all metadata is restricted to text metadata. We hope to make this more complex and specific in the future. Example folder structure: Assets Metadata Example metadata format:
        "background": "blue",
        "head": "large",
        "eyes": "round"
    Make sure your metadata matches up with your assets!

Step 5 - Initialize your NFT canister and mint your NFTs!

DO NOT transfer your NFTs after minting them. This will mess up the configuration of the sale.

  1. Run hatch-cli init to initialize your NFT canister. You must have funded your minting principal to perform this step. Make sure your config/config.json is correct! You can only run this step once and all information is final!
  2. Run hatch-cli validate to do a basic check that all your files are valid.
  3. Run hatch-cli mint to mint your NFTs! This process can take a while. If you do not care about the actual order your NFTs are minted in, you can mint in parallel with hatch-cli mint -p. The canister will save which NFTs you have minted, so feel free to pause the process at any time and re-run hatch-cli mint to continue where you left off! All NFTs will be minted to owner specified in config.
  4. (Optional, Recommended) Configure DAB by submitting this form. This will allow your NFTs to be surfaced on Plug wallet. Choose DIP721 V2 and link this as the standard for the nft.

Step 6 - Configure and host your public sale

Here we will set up the properties of your public sale!

  1. Edit config/saleConfig.json.
    • saleTime represents the unix timestamp (in seconds) of your public sale start time. Use a site like this one to convert a date to a unix timestamp.
    • whitelistDiscount represents how much discount (in ICP) whitelisted members get.
    • reserveAmount is how many NFTs to exclude from the sale. Those will be kept in the owner account.
    • transactionLimit is how many NFTs a user can be bought in one transaction.
    • prices represents the pricing configuration desired. It takes the format of an array of tuples [nft_id, price], where nft_id represents the starting nft id for a particular price tier, and price represents the price (in WICP) of that tier. Example shown below. Example saleConfig.json
         "saleTime": 164810226,
         "prices": [[0, 0.8], [2, 0.9], [4, 1], [6, 1.1], [8, 1.2]],
         "whitelistDiscount": 0.1,
         "reserveAmount": 0
    The example prices here means the following:
    • NFTs 0-1: 0.8 WICP
    • NFTs 2-3: 0.9 WICP
    • NFTs 4-5: 1 WICP
    • NFTs 6-7: 1.1 WICP
    • NFTs 8+: 1.2 WICP We recommend just having one price, which lets the sale runs smoother and quicker. Example: [[0, 0.8].
  2. (Optional) Add whitelisted principals to config/whitelist.json. These principals will be given the whitelist discount specified in saleConfig.json. This should take the array format:
["w4p43-4ps3u-broth-qnrd4-b7xku-brckl-fsnw6-wymoq-dle44-viw3y-bqe", ...]
  1. Run hatch-cli sale to set up your sale. You can always change your sale configuration, as long as no NFTs have been sold yet. Run hatch-cli sale -f to force another set up sale with a different config/saleConfig.json.

All that's left is to wait for the big day!

View your sale at{saleName}, where saleName is the saleName you specified in config/config.json.

Step 7 - Claiming your funds

  1. Run hatch-cli wicp claim to claim your funds. Your pending WICP will be deposited to your creator principal.

Coming Soon

Post-launch management

  • Managing and distributing airdrops to supporters
  • Listing on marketplace
  • UI Dashboard for administration

Broader NFT support

  • More complex and flexible metadata besides text.
  • More customization options and more supported interfaces.
  • Marketplace Support


If you need assistance in setting anything up, please contact us at:


Starter file structure to use Galapagos Labs cli.






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