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What is it?

​ k8s-autoperf is a set of tools for automating network performance testing within a Kubernetes cluster. It can automate server/client pod deployments and network performance testing, and it can monitor host status during testing.

​ Eventually, the results of the above tests and monitoring will be exported as files and flame charts to a local ./result/ folder. The results of each test will be distinguished by the time of the test as a file name.

How to use:

​ Get repository with submodule:

git clone --recurse-submodules

​ Installing dependencies (centos for example):

yum install python3 python3-pip3 perf perl* -y
pip3 install pyyaml

​ Identify the node where the perf-client is located by marking the node, CLIENT-NODE is the name of the node:

kubectl label nodes CLIENT-NODE perf-role=client

​ Identify the node where the perf-server is located by marking the node, SERVER-NODE is the name of the node:

kubectl label nodes SERVER-NODE perf-role=server

​ Mark the nodes that need to be monitored. Multiple nodes can be tagged, for example both the client and server nodes. The cpu/flame map/memory resources of the host will be monitored during testing.

kubectl label nodes SERVER-NODE perf-monitor=yes
kubectl label nodes CLIENT-NODE perf-monitor=yes

​ Go to the src directory and start the test, wait for it to complete, and then find the results in the . /result directory.

[root@perf-c3-small-x86-01 src]# python3 ./
deployment.apps/kubeovn-perfserver created
server is ready
deployment.apps/kubeovn-perfclient created
daemonset.apps/kubeovn-perfmonitor created
The test will take a few minutes, please be patient.
retrieve finished
retrieve finished for  kubeovn-perfmonitor-rjzv4
retrieve finished for  kubeovn-perfmonitor-zfkbr
deployment.apps "kubeovn-perfclient" deleted
deployment.apps "kubeovn-perfserver" deleted
daemonset.apps "kubeovn-perfmonitor" deleted
generate:  ./result/master-10:35:19-perf.out
generate ./result/master-10:35:19-perf.fold
generate:  ./result/master-10:35:19-perf.svg
generate:  ./result/slave-10:35:19-perf.out
generate ./result/slave-10:35:19-perf.fold
generate:  ./result/slave-10:35:19-perf.svg

[root@perf-c3-small-x86-01 src]# ls ./result/
kubeovn-perfclient-57ffbdb88b-tqxr6-  master-perf-10:35:19cpu  slave-perf-10:35:19cpu
kubeovn-perfclient-57ffbdb88b-tqxr6-     master-10:35:19-perf.svg   master-perf-10:35:19top  slave-10:35:19-perf.svg   slave-perf-10:35:19top

​ The delay test results are saved in a file ending in Delay, the bandwidth test results are saved in a file ending in PT (Passthought), and the flame graph data of test node during the bandwidth test is saved in The generated flame graphs are svg files with the same name. The cpu usage is stored in the perf-NODE-TIMEcpu file. System usage is saved by the perf-NODE-TIMEtop file.

Sample use:

1, Testing the network performance of direct connections between pods

python3 ./

2, Tests the network performance with a pod accessing another service in the cluster with the service ip as the destination ip. The number of endpoints can be specified.

python3 ./ --svcport true  --epnumber 2

3, Test the network performance with a pod accessing another pod deployed in hostnet mode (or vice versa).

python3 ./ --serverhost true
Execution process:

​ src/start-pef sets the parameters and start time, and configures a temporary yaml file based on the template (which can be found in the /tmp/ directory and checked for validation).

​ The temporary yaml file is then deployed to k8s. The client pod starts the test at the start time, the monitor pod monitors it and stores the results in a file.

​ After a certain amount of time, start-perf retrieves the data and removes the test resources.

Execution requirements:

​ 1, There must be a node with perf-role=server in its label, which is the server node under test. There must be a different node labeled perf-role=client, which is the client node under test. This requirement will be checked before the test is executed.

​ 2, Currently the monitor side is executed as root. If you think there is a security risk, you can also run the following command on the node where the monitor is to be deployed in advance.

echo "-1" > kernel.perf_event_paranoid.

​ This configuration allows non-root users to monitor system events and parameters.

​ 3, The default time zone in the pod is utc0. Do not change this.

Execution advice:

​ 1, The default container start time is 2mins after src/start-perf starts. So if the image is too slow to download, it is recommended to download the image beforehand. Or build it in the image folder.

docker build -t kubeovn/perf:v0.1 .

​ We also encourage users to create test commands as they wish and build them into images. Simply save the results to the /results folder. K8s-autoperf will automatically retrieve the results.

​ 2, Default test time 60s.

​ 3, Delete or migrate the results when you are done testing, otherwise you will rebuild the svg file several times (which will take more time but not change the results).

​ For other configurations see --help

❯ python3 ./src/ --help
usage: [-h] [--output OUTPUT] [--duration DURATION]
                     [--msglen MSGLEN] [--intervals INTERVALS] [--port PORT]
                     [--protocol PROTOCOL] [--clienthost CLIENTHOST]
                     [--serverhost SERVERHOST] [--svcmode SVCMODE]
                     [--epnumber EPNUMBER] [--svcport SVCPORT]

auto Perf for kubernetes

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output OUTPUT       output folder
  --duration DURATION   test duration, integer
  --msglen MSGLEN       sockperf message length, integer
  --intervals INTERVALS
                        intervals between sampling, integer
  --port PORT           port for test, between 1024 and 65535
  --protocol PROTOCOL   protocol to test, "tcp" or "udp"
  --clienthost CLIENTHOST
                        true if client in host mode, default false
  --serverhost SERVERHOST
                        true if server in host mode, default false
  --svcmode SVCMODE     true if perf for service ip, default false
  --epnumber EPNUMBER   numbers of endpoints in svc mode, integer, default 1
  --svcport SVCPORT     svc port, between 1024 and 65535, integer, default


A automated perf-testing tool for Kubernetes







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