This is a first attempt towards Open Document backend (spporting flat ODF files).
This work is heavily inspired by the two separate projects:
asciidoctor-packt which I’ve been looking up for various tricks with Slim templates (as this was my first attempt)
asciidoc-odf which is a great source of OpenOffice document styles (which I didn’t need to extract manually)
After cloning this repository, you can start using is straight away
$ asciidoctor -T /path/to/your/clone/of/asciidoc-fodt/slim -b fodt your_document.adoc
This produces a your_document.fodt
file which opens nicely in the LibreOffice.
This is a work in progress section where I put the details how the backend is created |
The styles are auto-converted from the asciidoc-odf default stylesheet and included as external template (_styles.fodt.slim)
Not all blocks and inlines are supported - this is a work in progress. Please raise an issue if something is needed.