- cmake build of xiongzhu666/Sky-Segmentation-and-Post-processing
- packaged as
on TUR - this repo exists only because the original repo by xiongzhu666 does not provide a proper build script
Apply sky segmentation ncnn model on input image(s) and output mask image(s).
Adapted from https://github.com/xiongzhu666/Sky-Segmentation-and-Post-processing by Ronald Y
Usage: skyseg-ncnn [input] [output]
input input file or folder
output output file or folder
- OpenCV
- ncnn
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path-to-prefix> ..
cmake --build .
cmake --install .
curl -o demo.jpg -L https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AP1GczNsgYY61QHlnYai--x-scRy_QJbkqGyASQN39lcL5ZD_AcMitUQqQ8mWy8Bf_FruvknK0_Pw77VqO84FtGU4z8OZMWP2qWAkRnqHUrZYESZiuFNKpCHEzXCpQ6fdeT1wbiJuCgtbcea_60ym7NAzwxN=w943-h1257-s-no-gm
skyseg-ncnn demo.jpg demo-sky.jpg
It works also for night sky.