This project is a base for Java-based Playwright API test automation.
- Java/Javascript - Development Language
- IntelliJ IDE - Development IDE
- Maven - Package Management
- Playwright - Test Automation Tool & Framework
- Initiate a Playwright Api Setup documentation
- To install the necessary libraries , the following command is run in the project directory.
mvn clean install
mvn clean test
allure serve allure-results
|-- src
| |-- main
| | |-- java
| | | | |-- data
| | | | | |-- user
| | | | | |-- users
| | |-- test
| | | |-- delete
| | | | |-- DeleteUserApiTest
| | | |-- get
| | | | |-- GetApi
| | | |-- post
| | | | |-- CreateUserPostCallTest
| | | |-- put
| | | | |-- UpdateUserPutApiTest
|-- git.ignore
|-- pom.xml
We use camelCase
for identifier names (variables and functions).
Use PascalCase
only when naming constructors or classes
All names start with a letter.
At the bottom of this page, you will find a wider discussion about naming rules
folder name = my_folder
js file name = my_file.js
feature file name = my_feature.rb
class name = MyClass
function name = myMethod
variable name = myVariable
element name = btnMyElement, lblMyElement, txtMyElement
Enum = ALL_CAPITAL = 'value'
Constant = MY_CONSTANT
tag name = @my_tag
@wip = Scenario / feature that has not been developed yet
@smoke = Scenario / feature expected to work within the scope of Smoke
@excluded = Scenario / feature that no longer exists on the application, but whose scenario has been improved
@bug_fix = Scenario / feature pending bug fix due to an existing bug on the application
@prod = Scenarios to run in the prod
@regression = Scenarios to run in the regression
@feature_tag = The tag name to be given to each feature file
@scenario_tag = The tag name to be given to each scenarios
* Branch names must be opened with the ticket id of the job. Example: QA-74
* As much as possible, commits should be committed with clear explanations.
* Commit should be progressed in as small pieces as possible (Atomic). This will make the rollback easier.
* It will be merged into the master after the review of the obligatory reviewers from the PR QA team.
* Before merging to the master, the pipeline will be run on the relevant branch and it will be verified that there is no problem.