This is a tool (still prototype) for buffering replies to tweets. To run this do the following
Install Docker
For dev I run my docker containers inside a Vagrant box that exposes port 80 on the guest via port 8888 on the host. So if I want to go to localhost running inside the docker container while developing, I use localhost:8888. If this matches your setting:
Run docker pull spartakode/reply-later:dev
You can modify the port later by going into the docker container, going to /etc/nginx/sites-available and modifying the content
If you are running on the standard port 80,
Run docker pull spartakode/reply-later:production
Run docker tag spartakode/replaylater:<tag-you-pulled> replylater:app
Run docker run -it -v /path/to/repo:/replylater -w /replylater --name replylater -p 80:80 replylater:app /bin/bash
Then sudo service nginx start
For this you'll need to install python3.5 (it should work on python3+ but I haven't tested so no guarantees)
Then run pip3.5 install requirements.txt
Run the command cron
Copy src/sampleconfig.ini to src/config.ini and src/sampletweetconfig.ini to src/tweetconfig.ini
Create a Twitter app using and get your access tokens as well. Fill in tweetconfig.ini with the relevant values.
Run python3.5 and use
import os
We are using the value between the single quotes as a secret key. Open config.ini and replace the secret key value with the one you got from os.geturandom(30)
Finally, python3.5 -m
Visit your browser at localhost:/replylater/app
And you should be up and running