The openresty graphql server library that encapsulates ariadne.
Callflow example:
- supports multiple data sources
- RESTful
- PostgreSQL
- Kafka
- WebService
- any other datasources to be implemented...
- fully asynchronous
- multiple schema instances
- fully dynamic
- create and delete schema
- dynamic resolver mapping
- jq expression to transform response body
- zero code
GraphQL is popular. Can we embed graphql server into openresty? In this way, we can not only enjoy the benefits brought by nginx high-performance proxy, but also request multiple different upstreams to generate the response content of graphql query without independent graphql server.
Ariadne is a brilliant python graphql server, which is schema-first and has simple but powerful APIs.
Why not encapsulate it so that we could reuse it in openresty?
lua-resty-ffi provides an efficient and generic API to do hybrid programming in openresty with mainstream languages (Go, Python, Java, Rust, Nodejs).
lua-resty-ffi-graphql-resolver = lua-resty-ffi + ariadne
Schema Config:
- schema: graphql schema text
- datasources
(fields other than @type is datasource specifc configuration fields)- @type: datasource type: http|sql|webservice|kafka
- host: host name, including scheme, for http type only.
- verify: verify ssl server name or not, optional, for http type only.
- resolvers
<GraphQL Type Name>
<type field name>
(fields other than datasource is datasource specifc configuration fields)- datasource: reference name
- uri: uri path, for http type only.
- headers: request headers, optional, for http type only.
- method: request method, optional, for http type only.
- send_json_body: send graphql params in json body, or in uri arguemnts, optional, for http type only.
- jq: jq expression to transform the response body for custom graphql output, optional, for http type only.
local schema, err ={
schema = "<graphql scehma text>",
datasources = {
nghttp2 = {
["@type"] = "http",
host = "",
verify = true
resolvers = {
Query = {
get = {
datasource = "nghttp2",
uri = "/httpbin/get",
headers = {
foo = "xxx",
bar = "yyy"
method = "post",
send_json_body = true,
jq = "{url,agent:.headers.\"user-agent\"}"
- query: graphql query, mutation or subscription
- variables: variables used in the query, optional
local ok, res, err = schema:query({
query = "<graphql query string>",
variables = {
foo = "bar"
Query Result:
Returns a tuple with two items:
- bool: True when no errors occurred, False otherwise.
- dict: an JSON-serializable dict with query result (defining either data, error, or both keys) that should be returned to client.
{ true, {
data = {
get = {
origin = "",
uuid = "9fe7a61f-8c61-4299-b4a6-666788954b70-suffix"
} }
# install lua-resty-ffi
# set `OR_SRC` to your openresty source path
luarocks config variables.OR_SRC /tmp/tmp.Z2UhJbO1Si/openresty-
luarocks install lua-resty-ffi
# make lua-resty-ffi python loader library
apt install python3-dev python3-pip libffi-dev
cd /opt
git clone
cd /opt/lua-resty-ffi/examples/python
# install deps
cd /opt
git clone
cd /opt/lua-resty-ffi-graphql-resolver
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# run nginx
cd /opt/lua-resty-ffi-graphql-resolver/demo
PATH=/opt/resty_ffi/nginx/sbin/:$PATH \
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/lua-resty-ffi/examples/python:/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1 \
PYTHONPATH=/opt/lua-resty-ffi-graphql-resolver \
nginx -p $PWD -c nginx.conf
curl http://localhost:20000/create_schema -X POST -d '
"schema": "type Get{origin:String!uuid:String}type Query{get:Get}type Post{url:String!agent:String!}type Mutation{post(data:String!):Post}",
"datasources": {
"nghttp2": {
"@type": "http",
"host": "",
"verify": true
"postman": {
"@type": "http",
"host": ""
"resolvers": {
"Query": {
"get": {
"datasource": "nghttp2",
"uri": "/httpbin/get",
"headers": {
"foo": "xxx",
"bar": "yyy"
"Get": {
"uuid": {
"datasource": "nghttp2",
"uri": "/httpbin/uuid",
"jq": ".uuid + \"-suffix\""
"Mutation": {
"post": {
"datasource": "postman",
"uri": "/post",
"method": "post",
"send_json_body": true,
"jq": "{url,agent:.headers.\"user-agent\"}"
}' -s | jq
"schema": 1
curl http://localhost:20000/query?schema=1 -X POST -d '
"query": "query Test{get{origin uuid}}"
}' -s | jq
"data": {
"get": {
"uuid": "95dbdfd0-1fcb-4428-8567-3ed0bea9aa7e-suffix",
"origin": ""
curl http://localhost:20000/query?schema=1 -X POST -d '
"query": "mutation Test($data:String!){post(data:$data){url agent}}",
"variables": {
"data": "foobar"
}' -s | jq
"data": {
"post": {
"agent": "python-httpx/0.23.1",
"url": ""
curl http://localhost:20000/close_schema?schema=1