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Toolkit for deployment and execution of performance and integration tests

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Tools for deploying and executing Performance and Integration Tests

The content of PIT toolkit

The list below is arranged in the order of significance

PIT Concept

The process starts when GIT event, such as merge or push, is picked up by project pipeline. This may be coded as Jenkins pipeline or as GitHub Actions workflow.

It is expected that pipeline will checkout PIT project from well-known location or alternatively, tools provided by PIT Toolkit may be pre-installed into pipeline image.

PIT will locate specification file pitfile.yml in the repository which triggered the pipeline and start execution of deployment process (The process is visualised in the diagram below).

The PIT spec file contains definitions of:

  • Lock Manager app
  • The list of test suites

PIT Toolkit has a built-in capability of deploying components into K8s namespace.

  1. PIT deploys Lock Manager app.
  2. PIT iterates over test suites and deploys required dependencies into K8s namespace (the graph).
  3. One of graph entries is known as Test Runner App. Test Runner App is an application capable of running performance or integration tests against multiple components. To start tests PIT sends HTTP request to Test Runner App, for example POST /start.

Once we reach this stage we will have:

  • Lock Manager app is deployed in the namespace.
  • The set of locks obtained by PIT.
  • Graph of components deployed in the namespace.
  • Test Runner App is deployed in the namespace and executing tests.

Upon deployment, Lock Manager will prepare its database. It is expected that permanent database server prepared upfront and is accessible from the namespace. This DB is permanent, it survives the lifespan of temporary namespace where Lock Manager is running. The DB is used to implement exclusivity over components (graph) used in the tests. Multiple instances of Lock Manager may be present in the K8s cluster each sitting in its own temporary namespace. With the help of locking only one test suite will ever run at the same time unless there is no dependency between tests.

All tests are divided into test suites as defined in the relevant section of pitfile. Pitfile may contain a mixed definition of local and remote test suites.

Local test suites are defined in the same repository as pitfile. Remote test suites are defined as reference to remote pitfile. In this case PIT will download the file from remote repository and use its "testSuites" section. It is also possible to specify which test suites to run from remote pitfile by applying naming filter.

Once Test Runner App finishes executing the test report is available via dedicated endpoint, for example via GET /reports/{$execution_id}

Test reports are stored permanently.

The responsibilities of all mentioned components are defined as:


  • Checks out PIT app and launches it

PIT Toolkit (k8s-deployer)

  • Parses pitfile.yml
  • Executes main PIT logic described above
  • Creates K8s namespace (one for each test suite)
  • Deploys Lock Manager
  • Deploys Test Runner App (one for each test suite)
  • Deploys graph
  • Collects test report and stores it permanently
  • Cleans up namespace

Lock Manager

  • Exposes HTTP API for locks management

Test Runner App

  • Accepts "start" signal to begin test execution
  • Runs tests
  • Exposes test report via HTTP

The YAML specification (pitfile)

  • Defines test suites
  • Describes components graph for each test suite

Brownie App

  • Periodically scans old resources previously by PIT and deletes them

Post Test Actions App

  • After tests have finished and reports were generated, PTA app parses the report and executed additional actions.

Example of specification YAML

version: "1.0"
projectName: "Tests for xyz"

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# The Lock Manager is independent shipped as part of PIT toolkit.
# The optional "lockManager" section below will be automatically generated by PIT toolkit
# and added to every pitfile in runtime. If app does not need locking
# then section be removed.
# Here is an example of fully defined lock manager section:
# lockManager:
#   name: Lock Manager
#   id: lock-manager
#   location:
#     type: LOCAL
#   deploy:
#     timeoutSeconds: 60 # Optional. Defaults to 60 sec
#     command: deployment/pit/
#     # PIT has no knowledge how to check whether deployment went well
#     # When using helm for deployment, even if deployment of chart was successful
#     # there could be problems creating pods and getting them into healthy state. App developer is encouraged
#     # to implement more thorough checking rather than just "helm -n <NS> list | grep ...".
#     statusCheck:
#       timeoutSeconds: 60 # Optional. Defaults to 60 sec
#       command: deployment/pit/
  enabled: true
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  - name: Testset for standalone Talos Certifier
    id: testset-talos-certifier-default
      type: LOCAL # Optional. Defaults to 'LOCAL' - the definition is taken from this file

      timeout: 1h
      ids: [ lock-talos-certifier ]

          name: Talos Certifier Test App
          id: talos-certifier-test-app
            type: LOCAL # optional, defautls to 'LOCAL'
            timeoutSeconds: 120
            command: deployment/pit/
            params: # Optional command line parameters
              - param1
              - param2
              command: deployment/pit/
            timeoutSeconds: 120
            command: deployment/pit/

          - name: Talos Certifier"
            id: talos-certifier
            # Lets assume that pipeline fired as a result of push into Talos Certifier project
              type: LOCAL
              command: deployment/pit/
                command: deployment/pit/
              timeoutSeconds: 120
              command: deployment/pit/

          - name: Talos Replicator
            id: talos-replicator
            # Lets assume Talos Certifier and Replicator (made for testing Talos Certifier) are in the same repository
              type: LOCAL
              command: deployment/pit/
                command: deployment/pit/
              timeoutSeconds: 120
              command: deployment/pit/

          - name: Some Other Component
            id: some-id
            # This is an example how to define the remote component
              type: REMOTE
              gitRepository: git://
              gitRef: # Optional, defaults to "refs/remotes/origin/master"
              command: deployment/pit/
                command: deployment/pit/
              timeoutSeconds: 120
              command: deployment/pit/
  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  - name: Testset for Talos Certifier integrated with Messenger
    id: testset-talos-certifier-and-messenger
      type: REMOTE
      gitRepository: git://
      gitRef: ${{ env.GIT_REF_TALOS_PERF_TESTS }} # Optional. Defaults to "refs/remotes/origin/master"
      pitFile: 'pitfile.yml' # Optional, defaults to "pitfile.yml" in the project root
    # This will:
    # 1) Read pitfile from specified remote repository,
    # 2) Select subsection of file from "testSuites" node where entries are matching IDs.
    #    For example, "SELECT * FROM remote/pitfile.yml#testSuites WHERE id IN(testSuiteIds)"
    # Optional, when not defined, all when defined as empty array then all tests are included.
    testSuiteIds: [ 'testset-talos-certifier-and-messenger' ]

Project Layout

Directory Description
scripts/ The scripts used during development of PIT toolkit
lock-manager/ The lock management application
lock-manager/deployment/helm The deployment configs for K8s
lock-manager/deployment/pit The deployment logic
k8s-deployer/ The deployment utility for apps designed to run in K8s clusters
k8s-deployer/scripts Various scripts to assist with deployer functionality
k8s-deployer/tmp Temporary directory which is used when running local deployer during development
k8s-deployer/report-template.html The HTML template for report UI
brownie/ The cleanup solution
brownie/deployment/helm The deployment configs for K8s
post-test-actions/ The executor of additional actions
post-test-actions/scripts/ Various scripts to assist with executing additioanl actions
pit-report-ui The SPA project producing mini "website" to display the details of PIT report
examples/node-1/ The example of application integrated with PIT
examples/node-1/deployment/helm The deployment configs for K8s
examples/node-1/deployment/pit The deployment logic
examples/node-1/pit-test-app/ The example PIT Test Appliction for component named 'graph-node-1'
examples/node-1/pit-test-app/deployment/helm The deployment configs for K8s
examples/node-1/pit-test-app/deployment/pit The deployment logic
examples/graph-perf-test-app/ The example of project where more complex tests are defined in their own pitfile.
examples/graph-perf-test-app/deployment/helm The deployment configs for K8s
examples/graph-perf-test-app/deployment/pit The deployment logic

Local development


  • Docker is installed and available globally as docker

  • Helm is installed and available globally as helm

  • Kubectl is installed and available globally as kubectl

  • Local K8s cluster is setup

  • There is namespace "dev" or any other matching variable .env/K8S_NAMESPACE

  • RSync is installed and available globally as rsync

  • Node 16.13.2 (or compatible) is installed

  • Git is installed and available globally as git

  • PostgreSQL server is running locally. It has pit-lock-manager database.

  • HNC Manager is installed in your local kubernetes. We need version 0.9.0

    • Versions 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 are faulty and will not work properly on Mac.
    • Install is easy: HNC_VERSION=v0.9.0 kubectl apply -f${HNC_VERSION}/hnc-manager.yaml
  • Kubectl plugin named "kubectl-hns" version 0.9.0 is installed on your system.

    • Installing via kubectl plugin named "krew" is not a good idea as it will pull the latest version which might not work. Hense, install kubectl-hns v0.9.0 plugin via this link following "Manual steps"
      • HNC_VERSION=v0.9.0 HNC_PLATFORM=darwin_amd64 curl -L${HNC_VERSION}/kubectl-hns_${HNC_PLATFORM} -o ./kubectl-hns && chmod +x ./kubectl-hns
  • Ingress Controller named "kubernetes-ingress". See instructions here

    • All your namespaces are being observed by HNC system. When installing NGINX ingress controller it will create its own namespace and HNC system will complain. To prevent that we need to exclude namespace used by NGINX insgress controller from HNC.
    • Use inline editing method: kubectl edit -n hnc-system deploy hnc-controller-manager find deployment with name "name: hnc-controller-manager" and add one more entry into the list under spec/containers/args. Entry looks like this: --excluded-namespace=ingress-nginx
  • Custom resource definition "External secrets" is installed in your local cluster:

    • helm repo add external-secrets
    • helm install external-secrets external-secrets/external-secrets -n external-secrets --create-namespace
    • Also exclude namespace "external-secrets" from hnc-controller-manager as you did with nginx controller.
  • The port 80 is free. Port 80 is used by ingress controller in your local desktop-docker.

Ports used

Port Number Application
60001 'lock-manager'
60002 'brownie' the resource cleanup application
60100 Local GIT server hosting 'graph-perf-test-app' sources
60101 Local GIT server hosting node-1 sources
60102 Local GIT server hosting reports repository
62001 'node-1' the example component
62002 'pit-test-app' the example test app for node-1
62003 'graph-perf-test-app' the K6 example test app for node-1

Build docker images

Image for Lock Manager

cd lock-manager/

Prepare `lock-manager/.env`, use `.env.example` as starting point.

# Make sure there is lock-manager/.env with the following variables:
# - IMAGE_TAG= # can be any value or script reading current commit-sha: IMAGE_TAG=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
npm run

Image for Node-1 sample component

Prepare examples/node-1/.env, use .env.example as starting point.

cd examples/node-1/

# Make sure there is examples/node-1/.env with the following variables
# - IMAGE_TAG= # can be any value or script reading current commit-sha: IMAGE_TAG=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
# - SERVICE_NAME=node-1
# - SERVICE_PORT=62001
# - TEST_APP_SERVICE_NAME=node-1-test-app
npm run

Image for example Test application targetting Node-1 sample component

cd examples/node-1/pit-test-app

# .env file is used from the parent directory (node-1)
npm run

Image for standalone example Test application targetting Node-1 sample component

Prepare examples/graph-perf-test-app/.env, use .env.example as starting point.

cd examples/graph-perf-test-app

# Make sure there is examples/graph-perf-test-app/.env with the following variables
# - SERVICE_NAME=graph-perf-test-app
# - SERVICE_PORT=32003
# - IMAGE_TAG= # can be any value or script reading current commit-sha: IMAGE_TAG=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
# The internal port of node-1 app.
# Must match the value used in "node1/.env" and "node1/deployment/helm#service.port"
npm run

Deploy to k8s

Manually deploy to local kubernetes cluster under "dev" namespace

cd pit-toolkit/

# Deploying Lock manager

# Make sure there is lock-manager/.env file with the following variables:
# - IMAGE_TAG=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
# - SERVICE_NAME=lock-manager
# - SERVICE_PORT=60001
make deploy.lock-manager

# Deploying node-1 and node-1-test-app

# Make sure there is examples/node-1/.env file with the following variables:
# - IMAGE_TAG=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
# - SERVICE_NAME=node-1
# - SERVICE_PORT=62001
# - TEST_APP_SERVICE_NAME=node-1-test-app

make deploy.node-1
make deploy.node-1-test-app

# check
helm -n dev list
kubectl -n dev get pods

Deploy to local kubernetes using k8s-deployer app

This is main approach intented to be used on CIs. For example, when we need to trigger tests on commit into some project integrated with PIT there will be some pipeline implemented on CI which will start executing as a result of push commit into GIT repo.

It is expected that CI will check out project into some temporary directory and launch k8s-deployer app. Below are instructions how to simluate this scenario locally.

cd pit-toolkit/k8s-deployer

# Make sure there are docker images in your local registry:
# - ksp/lock-manager:<tag>
# - ksp/node-1:<tag>
# - ksp/node-1-test-app:<tag>
# where <tag> is value from .env/IMAGE_TAG of the corresponding project.

mkdir ./tmp

# Parameters:
#   1: Temporary directory which will be used by k8s-deployer
#   2: Path to application under test. This is application whose pitfile will be processed.
#      It is expected that there is "pitfile.yml" at the root of the project,
#      such as "$(pwd)/examples/node-1/pitfile.yml".
#   3: mock-lock-manager - to enable mocked lock manager for local development
npm run dev.start-example $(pwd)/tmp $(pwd)/../examples/node-1

# if for local development the mock-lock-manager implementation is enough
# make sure to override examples/node-1/pitfile.yml with pitfile-local.yml
npm run dev.start-example $(pwd)/tmp $(pwd)/../examples/node-1 mock-lock-manager

Development with local git server

When testing deployments where some "location" sections of pitfile.yml require sources checkout from GIT, we can still develop with running git server locally.

For example, lets assume that "node-1" component of our graph has to be checked out from remote location. We have this project locally on our machine under "examples/node-1".

Lets expose it in local git server on port 60100 (the default)

# create directory outside of current git project
mkdir /tmp/remote-sample

# Run git server for node-1 project
scripts/ /tmp/remote-sample $(pwd)/examples/node-1 60101

hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name
hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all
hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call:
hint:   git config --global init.defaultBranch <name>
hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and
hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command:
hint:   git branch -m <name>
Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/remote-sample/git-server/node-1.git/tmp/.git/
Switched to a new branch 'master'

Launching git server. Checkout your project from git://

Similarly run git server for "remote test app"

scripts/ /tmp/remote-sample $(pwd)/../examples/graph-perf-test-app

Please note that when these projects will be fetched from local git by k8-deployer, the fetched project will have no .env file! However, our deployment scripts under deployment/pit/* can locate .env file by reading global environment variables. This is intended for local development. Below is the list of global environment variables controlling the location of .env files. Export these either globally or in the terminal where you will be launching k8-deployer

Project Variable
examples/node-1 PIT_NODE_1_ENV_FILE
examples/node-1/pit-test-app PIT_NODE_1_TEST_APP_ENV_FILE
examples/graph-perf-test-app PIT_GRAPH_TEST_APP_ENV_FILE


export PIT_LOCK_MANAGER_ENV_FILE=~/pit-toolkit/lock-manager/.env

Performance Reports

After each successful run PIT will be expecting a test report from test application. These test reports will be submitted into GIT server. When developing locally we need to have GIT server hosting reports project.

# Create tmp home directory
mkdir /tmp/git-reports

# there will be some warning messages, just ignore them
scripts/ /tmp/remote-sample /tmp/git-reports 60102

# Checkout reports, there will be no content at this stage
mkdir /tmp/git-reports-client
cd /tmp/git-reports-client
git clone git:// .

git checkout -b $branch \
  && touch .gitignore \
  && git add --all \
  && git commit -a -m "Initial commit" \
  && git push -u origin $branch

# Create branches, one per project, repeat the same command by changing 'branch' variable.
# branch=node-1
# ...
# branch=graph-perf-test-app
# ...

After successful execution the performance reports will be pushed into relevant branch. To access reports, we need to check them out from GIT

# Get reports fro node-1 application:
cd /tmp/git-reports-client
git checkout node-1
git pull