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Technology Used:

I used classes to create the characters and fabric stores and was able to access the methods within the narration texts. I created a lot of buttons and used click events on each to deliver the user to the next point in the story. I used nested arrays to hold my narration text as well as my option button texts.

Approach taken:

I created divs for my text as well as the option buttons. I knew I needed to access text information for each and append them to the divs. Then I had to be able to remove the buttons from the previous page before appending the buttons for the next decision.

User story:

Background: it's your first time in New York and you are starting as an unpaid intern at a fashion design studio. You must navigate through New York and the Fashion District to run errands. You want to work hard and make the best impression on your team lead and the designer with the ultimate goal of becoming the lead dresser at the fashion show at the end of the week.

Story: You walk into the studio and are greeted by the head designer, Christina, herself! He introduces himself and asks you for your name. You introduce yourself and he wastes no time in getting you started with intern life. You are then introduced to the head intern(team lead), Michaela, who gives you a couple of tasks to do for the day. You are to pick up the dry cleaning and find some fabric swatches according to what Christina needs. Christina says she needs various swatches of nude, sequin fabric.

--DAY 1--

1st task set: Either go to the fabric stores to see what there is or go to the dry cleaners first.

if (fabric store first) { pick which fabric store you want to go to first - Mood, B&H, or Spandex World if (Mood) { no fabrics like that decision: either go to the studio or pick a new store if (back to studio) - you're fired for making a bad impression } else if (B&H) { too expensive decision: either go to the studio or pick a new store if (back to studio) - you're fired for making a bad impression } else if (Spandex World) { You found some swatches! } decision: either go back to the studio or go to the dry cleaners. if (back to studio) -- "What about the dry cleaning?! You're fired!" else if (dry cleaning then studio) -- "Wow you did that so fast! There is nothing else for you to do today. See you tomorrow!" }

if (dry cleaning fist) { You picked up the dry cleaning decision: buy swatches or go to the studio first? if (buy swatches) { Your arms are about to fall off from holding such heavy garments for so long and the city is too hot. You quit because this is not what you thought it would be. } else if (back to studio) { "what about the swatches?! You're fired!" } } }



How to use:

As the user, just click through the decisions that you would like to make.

Unsolved problems:

My biggest problem that I would like to address at a later time would be to dry up my code and to try using a nested array with objects that have the narration texts and options in the same object. that way I can access all the information in one method.

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GA unit 1 project






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