- I’m currently working on Pendeteksi Lampu Kendaraan, Wifi Intruder, Moodle Rest Api.
- How to reach me [email protected]
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, hobbies, campus):
self.name = name
self.hobbies = hobbies
self.campus = campus
def introduce(self):
introduction = f"Hello, my name is {self.name}. "
hobby_list = ", ".join(self.hobbies)
introduction += f"My hobbies include {hobby_list}. "
introduction += f"I am currently studying at {self.campus}."
return introduction
khuluq = Person(
name="Muhammad Khuluqil Karim",
hobbies=["hacking", "studying", "coffee"],
campus="IT Telkom Surabaya"
introduction = khuluq.introduce()
Languages and Tools: