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Deployment Guide

Kevin McDonnell edited this page Nov 26, 2019 · 10 revisions

The WhereOnEarthBot is mostly set up using an ARM template to create the assets but before that you need to set up a few IDs. The steps are:

  • Create an App Registration
  • Create a Bing Maps API Key
  • Create a Google Places API Key
  • Create a Resource Group
  • Deploy the template

For details on what is created, take a look at the Architecture page.

Create an App Registration

The first step is to create App Registration in Azure Active Directory and then record the App ID and Secret, making sure that you select "Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant) and personal Microsoft accounts (e.g. Skype, Xbox)" for the Supported Account Types:

App Registration

Create a Bing Maps API Key

To get a Bing Maps Key, follow the instructions here and then keep hold of the key for a later step.

Create a Google Places API Key

Create the Google Places API Key

  • Add a project name and agree to the terms of service
  • Sign up to a free account - you will have to enter a debit or credit card but no charges will be made unless account upgraded to full account
  • Keep the API key for later steps.

Create a Resource Group

In Azure, create an empty Resource Group to use.

Create resource group

Deploy the template

You can deploy the template using ARM in Visual Studio or with the button below:

Deploy to Azure

Note that you may have to redeploy after the first one due to the App Service needing to exist for the Key Vault permissions to be set. Currently it can try and create the permissions before the App Service but works after a redeploy.