Free software (GPL), NO WARRANTY.
Create SFZ format sound sample definitions from a directory of samples. Load the .SFZ file in a player (e.g. Sforzando).
java -jar CreateSFZ.jar [ -filter FILENAME_FILTER] [ -format FORMAT_NAME ] [ -o OUPTUTFILE ] [ -note NOTENAME ] FILE or DIRECTORY
[ ... ] options are optional
-filter FILENAME_FILTER Specifies text that must be in sample filenames
DIRECTORY is a directory name to scan entirely for samples
FILE is a single file to use
FORMAT_NAME can be 'pianobook' or 'format1' (the default)
CreateSFZ scans a directory for filenames in known formats, extracts base instrument name, velocity, note name (C0, G#3, etc...), a variation number (for multiple samples per note, will be cycled through...). The found files are used to create an instrument file: the base instrument name is used plus a file extension ".sfz", unless the -o option is used to specify an output filename.
Notes are given a range of keys extended DOWNWARD from the pitch named in the sample filename, to the next lowest sample.
The default format recognises: "baseName_velocityName-NoteName-VariationNumber.wav"
..where velocity name is Soft, Medium or Hard.
Specifying "pianobook" recognises: "baseName velocity NoteName RT?.wav" ..where velocity is any number of m, p, f characters, and RT is present only for a release trigger (played on key or sustain pedal up).
Specifying a single file creates a .sfz instrument with just that one sample. The filename is not interpreted for pitch etc, so the argument -note is needed, e.g. -note c3 Also -o is needed.
git clone ...
cd CreateSFZ # Presuming the clone directory name is CreateSFZ
Build with "make":
java -jar build/CreateSFZ.jar ...options....
Build manually:
cd src
javac -d ..\build -sourcepath src org\actg\createsfz\*.java
(reverse the slashes on Linux...) then...
cd ..
jar cvfe CreateSFZ.jar org/actg/createsfz/CreateSFZ -C build org/actg/createsfz
java -jar CreateSFZ.jar directoryName
java -jar CreateSFZ.jar directoryName pianobook