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⭐️🐟 questionnaire wechat app built with taro, taro-ui and heart❤️.
- 👽 Use taro framework for coding with React style.
- 👨🏻💻 Use taro-ui UI compoments to simplify UI building.
- 👩🏻💻 Use redux to completely manage app state.
- 📈 Combine wechat with third party f2 to demonstrate charts usage.
cd patrick-wechat
# install dependencies
yarn install
# install taro cli (v3)
yarn global add @tarojs/cli
# build and watch
yarn run dev:weapp
# update taro
taro update self
# update project
taro update project
# build and compress
yarn run build:weapp
patrick-wechat has already upgrade to Taro V3, you can follow THIS instruction to complete the upgrade. if you want to use Taro V2 version, please refer to taro v2 branch.
- Unable to run in Wechat Devtools after updating
Delete the project and reimport it if it was already existed in your project list.
Patrick Star is a fictional character in SpongeBob SquarePants And he loves asking questions!