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Merge pull request #42 from katilingban/dev
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add plots.R script
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ernestguevarra authored Dec 17, 2020
2 parents 3fe3d14 + 21dab14 commit e22e398
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Showing 5 changed files with 164 additions and 1 deletion.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
# Sudan CMAM Dashboard v0.1.13

In this version:

* added R script for creating plots

# Sudan CMAM Dashboard v0.1.12

In this version:
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@

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[![Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.](](
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Binary file added figures/admissionsOverTime.png
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Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added figures/defaultersOverTime.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
157 changes: 157 additions & 0 deletions plots.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
## Libraries
if(!require(remotes)) install.packages("remotes")
if(!require(magrittr)) install.packages("magrittr")
if(!require(dplyr)) install.packages("dplyr")
if(!require(tidyr)) install.packages("tidyr")
if(!require(ggplot2)) install.packages("ggplot2")
if(!require(lubridate)) install.packages("lubridate")



## Load UNICEF palette
unicef_blue <- "#1CABE2"
unicef_darkgreen <- "#00833D"
unicef_green <- "#80BD41"
unicef_yellow <- "#FFC20E"
unicef_orange <- "#F26A21"
unicef_red <- "#E2231A"
unicef_darkred <- "#961A49"
unicef_purple <- "#6A1E74"
unicef_warmgrey <- "#D8D1C9"
unicef_coolgrey <- "#777779"
unicef_black <- "#2D2926"
unicef_darkblue <- "#374EA2"

## UNICEF ggplot theme settings
unicef_theme <- theme_bw() +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 16, colour = unicef_darkblue),
plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 14, colour = unicef_blue),
panel.border = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major.y = element_line(linetype = 1, size = 0.2),
panel.grid.minor.y = element_line(linetype = 2, size = 0.1),
panel.grid.major.x = element_line(linetype = 0),
panel.grid.minor.x = element_line(linetype = 0),
strip.background = element_rect(colour = unicef_darkblue,
fill = unicef_darkblue),
strip.text = element_text(face = "bold", colour = "white", size = 10, vjust = 1),
legend.background = element_rect(colour = NA, fill = NA),
legend.key = element_rect(linetype = 0),
legend.key.size = unit(x = 8, units = "points"),
legend.spacing = unit(x = 4, units = "points"),
legend.text = element_text(size = 8),
legend.position = "top",
axis.line.x = element_line(colour = unicef_darkblue, size = 1),
axis.text.x = element_text(size = 10, colour = unicef_darkblue),
axis.title.x = element_text(size = 12, colour = unicef_blue),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 10, colour = unicef_darkblue),
axis.title.y = element_text(size = 12, colour = unicef_blue),
axis.ticks = element_line(colour = unicef_darkblue, size = 0.25))

## Plot admissions over time by state with seasonal calendar

x <- aggregate(cbind(`New Admissions`, Default) ~ State + Month + Year,
data = monitoring, FUN = sum) %>%
filter(State %in% c("Gazera", "Kassala", "North Darfur")) %>%
mutate(MonthYear = as.Date(paste(Year, Month, "01", sep = "-"),
format = "%Y-%b-%d")) %>%
arrange(MonthYear) %>%
group_by(State) %>%
mutate(`Admissions (smoothed)` = smooth_m3a3(x = `New Admissions`),
`Defaulters (smoothed)` = smooth_m3a3(x = Default))

season <- seasonal_calendar %>%
mutate(startmy = paste([month(as.Date(start))], year(as.Date(start))),
endmy = paste([month(as.Date(end))], year(as.Date(end))))

x %>%
ggplot() +
geom_line(mapping = aes(x = MonthYear,
y = `New Admissions`,
colour = "Admissions"), size = 1) +
geom_line(mapping = aes(x = MonthYear,
y = `Admissions (smoothed)`,
colour = "Admissions (smoothed)"),
alpha = 0.5, size = 0.5) +
scale_colour_manual(name = "",
values = c("Admissions" = "blue",
"Admissions (smoothed)" = "gray50")) +
scale_x_date(date_breaks = "3 months", date_labels = "%b %Y",
sec.axis = sec_axis(~ ., breaks = NULL)) +
labs(title = "Admissions over time from 2016 to 2019",
x = "", y = "Admissions") +
facet_wrap(. ~ State, nrow = 3) +
geom_rect(mapping = aes(xmin = as.Date(start), xmax = as.Date(end),
ymin = 0, ymax = 200, fill = group),
data = season %>% filter(group == "Lean season"),
alpha = 0.25) +
geom_rect(mapping = aes(xmin = as.Date(start), xmax = as.Date(end),
ymin = 250, ymax = 450, fill = group),
data = season %>% filter(group == "Harvest"),
alpha = 0.25) +
geom_rect(mapping = aes(xmin = as.Date(start), xmax = as.Date(end),
ymin = 500, ymax = 700, fill = group),
data = season %>% filter(group == "Planting"),
alpha = 0.25) +
geom_rect(mapping = aes(xmin = as.Date(start), xmax = as.Date(end),
ymin = 750, ymax = 950, fill = group),
data = season %>% filter(group == "Rainfall"),
alpha = 0.25) +
unicef_theme +
theme(legend.title = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_text(size = 6),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 8))

ggsave(filename = "admissionsOverTime.png", device = "png", path = "figures",
width = 12, height = 8, units = "in")

## Plot admissions over time by state with seasonal calendar

x %>%
ggplot() +
geom_line(mapping = aes(x = MonthYear,
y = Default,
colour = "Defaulters"), size = 1) +
geom_line(mapping = aes(x = MonthYear,
y = `Defaulters (smoothed)`,
colour = "Defaulters (smoothed)"),
alpha = 0.5, size = 0.5) +
scale_colour_manual(name = "",
values = c("Defaulters" = "red",
"Defaulters (smoothed)" = "gray50")) +
scale_x_date(date_breaks = "3 months", date_labels = "%b %Y",
sec.axis = sec_axis(~ ., breaks = NULL)) +
labs(title = "Defaulters over time from 2016 to 2019",
x = "", y = "Defaulters") +
facet_wrap(. ~ State, nrow = 3) +
geom_rect(mapping = aes(xmin = as.Date(start), xmax = as.Date(end),
ymin = 0, ymax = 50, fill = group),
data = season %>% filter(group == "Lean season"),
alpha = 0.25) +
geom_rect(mapping = aes(xmin = as.Date(start), xmax = as.Date(end),
ymin = 55, ymax = 105, fill = group),
data = season %>% filter(group == "Harvest"),
alpha = 0.25) +
geom_rect(mapping = aes(xmin = as.Date(start), xmax = as.Date(end),
ymin = 110, ymax = 160, fill = group),
data = season %>% filter(group == "Planting"),
alpha = 0.25) +
geom_rect(mapping = aes(xmin = as.Date(start), xmax = as.Date(end),
ymin = 165, ymax = 215, fill = group),
data = season %>% filter(group == "Rainfall"),
alpha = 0.25) +
unicef_theme +
theme(legend.title = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_text(size = 6),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 8))

ggsave(filename = "defaultersOverTime.png", device = "png", path = "figures",
width = 12, height = 8, units = "in")

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