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vaslabs committed Feb 16, 2024
1 parent 1b064c5 commit 227b964
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 63 deletions.
64 changes: 1 addition & 63 deletions instrumentation/kamon-http4s/build.sbt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -124,66 +124,4 @@ Test / test := Def.taskDyn {
(`Test-Http4s-1.0` / test).value

//lazy val shared = Seq(
// organization := "io.kamon",
// scalaVersion := "2.12.14",
// crossScalaVersions := Seq("2.12.14", "2.13.8"),
// moduleName := name.value,
// publishTo := sonatypePublishToBundle.value,
// scalacOptions ++= (CrossVersion.partialVersion(scalaVersion.value) match {
// case Some((2, 12)) => Seq("-Ypartial-unification", "-language:higherKinds")
// case Some((3, _)) => Seq("-source:3.0-migration", "-Xtarget:8")
// case _ => "-language:higherKinds" :: Nil
// }),
// libraryDependencies ++= Seq(kamonCore, kamonCommon) ++ Seq(
// scalatestLocal,
// kamonTestkit
// ).map(_ % Test),
// publishMavenStyle := true,
// licenses := Seq("APL2" -> url("")),
// homepage := Some(url("")),
// scmInfo := Some(
// ScmInfo(
// url(""),
// "scm:[email protected]:kamon-io/kamon-http4s.git"
// )
// ),
// developers := List(
// Developer(id="ivantopo", name="Ivan Topolnjak", url=url(""), email=""),
// Developer(id="dpsoft", name="Diego Parra", url=url(""), email=""),
// Developer(id="vaslabs", name="Vasilis Nicolaou", url=url(""), email=""),
// Developer(id="jchapuis", name="Jonas Chapuis", url=url(""), email="")
// )

//lazy val `kamon-http4s-0_23` = project
// .in(file("0.23"))
// .settings(
// shared,
// name := "kamon-http4s-0.23",
// crossScalaVersions += "3.3.0",
// libraryDependencies ++= http4sDeps("0.23.19", "0.23.14")
// )
//lazy val `kamon-http4s-1_0` = project
// .in(file("1.0"))
// .settings(
// shared,
// name := "kamon-http4s-1.0",
// crossScalaVersions := Seq("2.13.8", "3.3.0"),
// libraryDependencies ++= http4sDeps("1.0.0-M38", "1.0.0-M38")
// )
//lazy val root = project
// .in(file("."))
// .settings(
// shared,
// name := "kamon-http4s",
// publish / skip := true,
// Test / parallelExecution := false,
// Global / concurrentRestrictions += Tags.limit(Tags.Test, 1)
// )
// .aggregate(`kamon-http4s-0_23`, `kamon-http4s-1_0`)

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